Example sentences of "[adv] than [subord] i have " in BNC.

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1 I was doing them for the wrong reasons — out of curiosity or for the money , rather than because I had a passion for doing them .
2 Crawled until I could see the arrow only because it was pale against the bark , and knew I was already further away than when I 'd taken the last bearing .
3 More than once I have seen a hapless opponent reaching down to scoop a front kick that never comes , and getting caught on the undefended side of the head !
4 Much later it struck me as odd that I experienced no superstitious fear or repugnance in the presence of a dead body , although I am so squeamish that more than once I have had to ask a neighbour to deal with a dead rabbit that one of the cats had brought in during the night .
5 Because my head landed on his teeth it hurt me more than if I 'd smacked down on the bridge of his nose .
6 Assuming that I 'd been able to drag the dinghy in a fairly straight line — though I might have gone astray a bit when I was stumbling in the mud — Joanna should be lying more or less straight ahead , and a good deal nearer than when I 'd left , for it was near high water then , and now it was about the last of the ebb .
7 That they have cost me no more than my time makes such decisions much easier than if I had paid for them in gold .
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