Example sentences of "[adv] so [adv] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Right so when do you issue a B one ?
2 It was on the market and it was a grand gesture by the owner — one that was much appreciated by the parents of the nine children , and by the Action Committee that had come together so promptly to support them .
3 And so so indeed do I .
4 If you had not so stupidly bade me keep quiet , I should have done the trick long since , and you would not have had to leave the place at all .
5 Unhappily , he did not so often get it right .
6 It was not until the last hymn that Ianthe happened to turn her head slightly and not so much see him as become conscious that he was sitting behind her and presumably had been throughout the service .
7 They deserve a more sensitive environment that does not so harshly relegate them en masse to the category of ‘ old people ’ and does not emphasize , in attitudes and actions , their increasing dependency ; many need help , too , in coming to terms with the process of ageing and the major adjustments it entails — to retirement , to relinquishing their home , etc .
8 ‘ Oh , it 's got nothing to do with business , ’ Alison replied with a laugh that ever so gently reprimanded me for my mercantile preoccupations .
9 Not once so far had they mentioned her by name , almost as though from some superstition .
10 No doubt it is because West German voters know their votes will count that they turn out so willingly to use them .
11 in the erm Victorian period the stone was far so far rotted they inserted some new stones there .
12 Microfibres are now so frequently used they no longer excite any comment : in a year or two they 'll be the norm .
13 THE Danish cargo vessel Bettina Danca , aground on Stroma in the Pentland Firth , is now so badly damaged it would be impossible to refloat her , Orkney 's harbour director , Captain Bob Sclater , said yesterday .
14 Vincent Skinner , the Writer of the Tallies , complained that ‘ the distraction I have had about quarrels to my place have hindered me much and now so utterly discouraged me that the service I intended to have done I could not .
15 ‘ Bosnia did n't so much change me , more my priorities .
16 You said they have n't been round round do they do they tend to keep away from here so how did they react when you actually first
17 Where so far have you got to in , not recruiting at this time , but actually attempting to sell advertising in this particular area .
18 Maybe to lift guilt from bowed shoulders ; to put light and hope where there was deep-seated despair ; or to so simply and yet so vitally make them know that like any other human being , they are entitled to ‘ choice ’ — and actually have it .
19 She tried fiercely to control the sudden rush of pleasure that hearing his voice again so soon gave her .
20 Okay so now suppose you have Florence as the first noun in T three and herself no do it the other way round , suppose you had herself as the first noun and T three Florence okay then you 'd find Florence does C command herself but it should n't
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