Example sentences of "[adv] there would be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps there would be time to cook , to bathe …
2 Perhaps there would be guests to be welcomed — travellers , or merchants from the East who would display their wares of silk or gold or ivory , ’ said Oisin .
3 When they went out to a restaurant together , he would always complain — very loudly so that the proprietor would know who he was and so there would be people around about whom he could fuss were pestering him for his autograph .
4 Additionally there would be questions relating to horticulture and agriculture in Britain covering a diversity of subjects , from seed selection to estate enterprise .
5 Inevitably there would be areas of the back glass left exposed , and I would use roofing slates to mask these to a height of 10in or more , to prevent flash reflections when taking photographs .
6 Inevitably there would be howls of protest but there are several valid responses to these .
7 Inevitably there would be variation along the frontiers , and , more important , Frankish control over neighbouring peoples , including the Thuringians , was not constant ; the hegemony exercised by the Merovingians to the east of the Rhine was an integral part of their empire .
8 Well there would be options other than the ability to make further provision around the the periphery of the city , between the urban area and the greenbelt .
9 Jack shook off his dream about Death Row and remembered that all over Dublin today there would be people waking to the first day of term .
10 My mother was n't too pleased either because sometimes there would be spillages on her carpets .
11 The meeting should only set broad parameters for the worker , then there would be scope for genuine negotiation , with the parent 's real agreement .
12 If both conditions have been satisfied , then there would be cover for the contents belonging to both partners , subject to the adequacy of the sums insured .
13 In addition , there were fears that , if undertakings made during a takeover bid could be put aside subsequently , then there would be calls to replace the present takeover system , based to a great extent on a voluntary code of conduct and self-regulation , by a statutory system .
14 In Couldery v. Bartrum ( 1881 ) 19 Ch.D. 394 at 400 , Jessel M.R. , discussing the rule in Pinnel 's Case and compositions with creditors , said ’ … as every debtor had not a stock of canary birds , or tomtits , or rubbish of that kind , to add to his dividend , it was felt desirable to bind the creditors in a sensible way by saying that , if they all agreed , there should be a consideration imported from the agreement constituting an addition to the dividend , so as to make the agreement no longer nudum pactum , but an agreement made for valuable consideration , then there would be satisfaction .
15 Then there would be silence , but from time to time I should receive a ‘ chit ’ from regimental HQ to say that all was well .
16 They would carve the world up into principalities and then there would be war again .
17 And the reverse is also true , that if more in migrants were attracted to the north east of York then there would be people would not attracted elsewhere .
18 It highlighted how there would be limits on the ‘ sexual choices ’ available to people according to their class , race , gender , etc .
19 From this angle at least no light showed therein , at this hour , an encouraging sign , although undoubtedly there would be guards on duty .
20 One could n't just get a campaign up and running overnight — although the recession bit both ways , so at least there would be space available in the media for short-term bookings .
21 Then she went to look for Esther to make plans , for at least there would be Esther in these appalling two months of honeymoon ahead .
22 You sold er they , they 'd got these sort of erm the old- fashioned , you 'd see them in the corn merchants where there would be fowl er feed .
23 The young black people of Britain who are into black consciousness and cultural awareness are keen to speak Afro-Lingua because it reinforces their awareness and gives them hope where otherwise there would be despair " ( 1986a : 44 – 5 ) .
24 If you are scoring the tests yourself , rather than getting the computer to do it for you , then always do so at the same time of day — otherwise there would be variability due to time-of-day effects upon your scoring ability .
25 The Shah seemed very pleased attitude was changing previously they had urged him to be a purely constitutional monarch ; now perhaps they wanted him to involve himself more in Iranian politics , He thought he must do that — otherwise there would be confusion and chaos .
26 Such a system would benefit Sunderland not only financially there would be full-houses for each match but also the big crowds would surely help the Rokermen to get the safety points they are looking for to climb above the Second Division danger zone .
27 Subsequently there would be synthesis of collagen , elastin and proteoglycans by smooth muscle cells , intracellular and extracellular lipid accumulation and thrombosis associated with the lesion .
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