Example sentences of "[adv] there [modal v] be [det] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps there would be some trenchant criticism of the accounting techniques used by some significant companies and sanctioned by eminent auditors , or new ideas about the direction that accounting standards might take .
2 But perhaps there would be some way of persuading her ; at any rate , Emily would not give up her ideas .
3 Soon perhaps there would be another announcement .
4 PERHAPS there should be more hypocrisy in the world .
5 Did you er Superintendent yourself consider whether perhaps there should be some undercover surveillance of this flat ?
6 He said , naturally there would be some changes amongst plant and animal life , but species would adapt to suit the changes in climate and atmosphere and so on .
7 If only … if only … if only there could be some way of reaching agreement , some way of reassuring each player that the other can be trusted not to go for the selfish jackpot , some way of policing the agreement .
8 But if only they were all shorter ; if only there could be some sort of trade-union agreement to lower the recognized height of the canopy in forests , all the trees would benefit .
9 Keegan said : ‘ Obviously there may be some truth in it , but it has n't come out from this end .
10 If we broaden it to mean simply ‘ cleverness ’ then obviously there can be several other explanations , mostly elucidated by an understanding of general intelligence and the way in which , even in the absence of ‘ psychotic ’ modes of thought , that facilitates high achievement .
11 Obviously there will be some perks .
12 If we can keep 'Lash and Bash from each others ' throats for long enough there 'll be another round-up of reader queries next issue .
13 This seems to have been the only time that the English king led his men to victory : had the negotiations which preceded his return from exile the same year included a stipulation by those who complained about his previous behaviour ( see below ) that henceforth there should be more determination in dealing with the enemy ?
14 However , in practice , if your claim is successful we would expect to recover all or most of your legal costs in addition to the compensation and so there would be little or no shortfall .
15 But of course if he worked for Raleigh where they 've got a vast labour force a vast pay as you earn scheme then any income would be taxed by Raleigh as a subsidiary source so there would be another code number there , they would actually be collecting tax at two sources , but they would still need to allocate allowances , it may well be that , at Raleigh for example , they 've covered that by allowances in which case they pull back five hundred pounds there to collect .
16 So there might be some touring in the new year ?
17 What is embarrassing to respondents in one country might seem normal and ‘ acceptable ’ to respondents in another , and so there should be some ‘ local knowledge ’ input into questionnaire design .
18 Th this is something that is developing members will be aware of the er proposals for er competition for white collar services and we sh we recharge these costs at the moment historic leases and the central departments are at the moment developing er trading accounts for all these and as we develop that work we we can correct our previous charges so there will be some sort of changes in the way we charge and as I say that 's coming through in these costs committees because it 's it 's shifting money around between different committees so we shifted the budget at the same time .
19 So there will be some tutorials .
20 If so there will be more draughts .
21 And the numbers of births will reduce and so there will be more deaths .
22 So there must be another approach .
23 Catholics are only angry because they feel threatened and so there must be some strength and force in what she is trying to say .
24 Coelomic cells are derived from the extra-embryonic mesoderm , and thus there may be fewer problems with pseudomosaicism than are encountered with trophoblastic cell preparations .
25 Tonight there 'll be another public meeting on the same subject , this time in Paisley .
26 Tonight there 'll be another public meeting on the same subject , this time in Paisley .
27 Tonight there would be another raid , sure as hell there would , and everything would be covered with muck and dust again .
28 Generally there should be some question which asks pupils to synthesise the data they have gathered at different parts of the site .
29 If not there will be another explosion . ’
30 It would take place in a different context , nevertheless there would be that opportunity and no doubt the adequacy of a public consultation exercise at the proposed modification stage would be a matter for the County Council themselves to decide .
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