Example sentences of "[adv] she [vb past] [that] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dane had told her she had to stop running from the ghosts in her past , and suddenly she realised that in that , at least , he was right .
2 So she knew that in the few years since she had last been in England great changes had begun to take place from some of which she might clearly benefit .
3 So she knew that before being coaxed into motor racing at the belated age of thirty Vitor had qualified as an architect and gained a Harvard business degree .
4 But already she sensed that in the end she would .
5 It betrayed nothing personal about its owner — unless he was an emotionless aesthete — and somehow she doubted that to be the case as her psyche responded to the presence of a simmering powerhouse within the lean , muscled frame before her .
6 Well she bought that in case that was n't so nice .
7 Then she saw that beneath her on the sacred site of Callanish all of the men and the eagles who had fought had disappeared .
8 Nora endured one day at Thorpe after John had left ; then she decided that to be without him but surrounded by the children , the house , the land — by all they stood to lose and all that would make the loss hurt most — would be intolerable .
9 He should n't be in her thoughts at all , and yet she found that in the short space of time since she had met him he had sunk in , wormed his way into her mind with his disturbing home truths .
10 However she thought that at that stage Miss T. was able to understand what was going on .
11 At least she thought him middle-aged , but his voice was n't and when she looked at him again she saw that under his haggard features and emaciated frame he was still young , perhaps in his late twenties .
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