Example sentences of "[adv] do not [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 At the end of the twentieth century group exhibitions perhaps do not have the importance that they have had earlier in the century .
2 This sort of response can cause a lot of confusion for those around who perhaps do not share the same feeling .
3 The scoreline perhaps did not reflect the effort which Down put in but Bangor were more clinical in finishing off their moves .
4 Some have become prepared to forgo promotion if it means too much disruption of home and family and if they personally do not want the commuting life .
5 From the theoretical point of view , however , I personally do not find the question of ‘ intrusive ’ and ‘ linking ’ in RP very interesting ( one might perhaps class it as a matter similar to the grammatical and stylistic question of whether or not to use ‘ whom ’ ) but anyone who wishes to go into the subject could read Windsor Lewis ( 1975a ) , Pring ( 1976 ) , Windsor Lewis ( 1977a ) and Fox ( 1978 ) .
6 To our surprise , we did not observe any influence of age , sex , and body mass index upon the success rate and the recurrence rate ; even the initial number of stones apparently did not influence the recurrence rate , which is in contradiction with the postdissolution experience where the recurrence was higher in patients with multiple stones than with solitary stones .
7 Laboulbeniales found on adult beetles apparently do not infect the larvae , so adult-to-adult contact is the sole method of spread .
8 Unexpectedly , vertebrates apparently do not produce the enzyme cellulose and the process of cellulolytic degradation can occur only with the aid of populations of anaerobic bacteria in specialised fermentation chambers in the alimentary tract .
9 Indeed , you 've been afraid to hold up your end of a rockin' conversation , paralysed by the knowledge that you alone do not possess the second Squirrel Bait album — and worse , you do n't even know why you should possess any Squirrel Bait albums , let alone the second one .
10 Administration of L-arginine alone did not alter the resting blood pressure in untreated animals .
11 Lord Justice Butler-Sloss in her concluding remarks on Dr Higgs 's role stated that ‘ She alone did not create the crisis .
12 John MacCunn , Professor of Philosophy at Liverpool University and author of several standard texts on citizenship and character , was keen to impress upon his readers that rights alone did not make the citizen ; what mattered was the way in which they were used : democracy itself was only a beginning , not an end .
13 These cover a period from 1442 to 1560 and obviously do not represent the whole of the villagers at this time , but are of those whose names appear in the index of wills of the Rochester Consistory Court .
14 Many of the shops are branches of multiple stores and , though their managers sometimes take part , they obviously do not have the same interest in it as the traders who were born and bred in the town .
15 Crucially you are trying to understand the whole sense of the quotation or question , so do not forget the overall effect of individual words .
16 So do not neglect the so-called popular style , which tickles long ears .
17 Push into place so adhesive clings to glass — smooth down The adhesive is very strong so do not remove the thermometer once in place
18 He pointedly did not release the 539 delegates he has already amassed .
19 The talk was a little on the short side , but even so did not hold the attention as well as it might have .
20 Cuban officials had made clear that these spoiled or blank ballots would not be considered valid and so did not affect the election .
21 The presence of these South American lines naturally does not prove the existence of British leys , but it did mean that Watkins 's theory was no longer an isolated , irrational concept .
22 It might be that the individual does not see the value of climbing a mountain ; or perhaps does not have the confidence to set about the task .
23 The ribbed vault is a lighter construction and so does not place the same enormous stress upon the walls and arcades supporting it .
24 It only does not colour the beautiful " gutter " quartet [ 20 ] , where Grimes is not mentioned — a temporary release which is as happy dramatically as it is musically .
25 Because the particle and antiparticle in effect cancel each other out , their appearance together does not violate the laws of physics .
26 Yet deprivation alone does not explain the militancy and relatively strong political consciousness of the factory proletariat .
27 One reason why Lisberger and Sejnowski assume another synaptic plasticity in the brain stem pathway is that the LTD alone does not explain the two-way adaptation , increase and decrease of the VOR gain .
28 The fear alone does not cause the behaviour , however .
29 However , the adoption of this policy alone does not solve the problem of making optimal use of the volume , because filling up the highest part of the nave with habitable accommodation arranged on one or several storeys deprives the lower-level spinal space of the church of natural light .
30 Darwin 's image of an irregularly branching tree thus did not fit the evidence .
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