Example sentences of "[adv] do not [vb infin] [that] " in BNC.

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31 The early Christians clearly did not think that Mary provided a role model for women and Christ for men !
32 In this at least he agreed with Madison and the other American constitutionalists , who also did not believe that majority decisions were necessarily right .
33 The hon. Lady , like many Opposition Members , probably does not realise that her party 's policy on nuclear weapons has changed .
34 She clearly does not believe that Wilson can have acted in this matter without the knowledge of people in the auction house : ‘ Sotheby 's claim that it is an unwitting participant rings hollow .
35 Her ommission to help the victim definately does not mean that she abetts the crime , or is an accessary to it .
36 Research already carried out has shown that five and six year olds often do not know that to guarantee successful communication , the speaker must identify the intended meaning uniquely from the listener 's point of view .
37 Users often do not notice that they have miskeyed a word , and many systems do not make it clear why they have failed to find anything .
38 The discussion so far does not imply that piecemeal improvements of conservation programmes have not occurred .
39 One major problem is that many people simply do not recognise that they are carers , and do not apply for help .
40 One of the problems is that the army of inflation forecasters in the City of London simply do not believe that the corner on inflation has been turned so easily .
41 I suspect from what I heard in conversation from others in other presbyteries is that many of them were in favour of change , but simply did not feel that what was proposed was an improvement to what we have already .
42 However , the appellants ' case in respect of that matter is that they simply did not realise that they were doing anything wrong .
43 Please do not think that only suicidal people ring up the Samaritans .
44 Should an accident happen to a student in your class PLEASE DO NOT assume that you are covered on our Insurance Policy .
45 I equally do not believe that the All England Club is going to sign a contract to create a completely new club in Basingstoke tomorrow morning .
46 The word ‘ acceptance ’ most emphatically does not mean that someone experiencing loss will get to the stage of saying , ‘ Ah , it 's all over , it does n't really matter any more . ’
47 Denial is a psychological defence mechanism by which the sufferer simply does not believe that he or she has a problem , despite all the evidence .
48 It simply does not follow that because the legal forms have been observed , the results are more reliable ; any more than it follows that whenever the forms are breached , the results are unreliable .
49 It simply does not allow that differences of sex , as also not of race , are of significance Christologically .
50 The use of the word ‘ lazy ’ here does not imply that those animals are indolent or inefficient but rather that their specialisation is so finely tuned and successful that they are able to spend a great deal of their daily lives sitting , gazing and sleeping .
51 Sure enough , we would expect the input systems to ensure that the right kinds of distinctions are drawn — between contour changes that define occlusion and those which define disappearance , for example — but this surely does not mean that the possessor of these input systems is capable of thinking about unperceived entities .
52 Just because you can do something well does not mean that you are not brainy but when you show your academic prowess along practical lines you are not considered by this government to be of the same worth as someone who can recall knowledge on one day .
53 This approach may lead to the output of more than one letter string , and again does not guarantee that these letter strings will be words .
54 This certainly did not mean that he had become a tool of Moscow , but that he made a shrewd assessment of which ideology was most likely to speed up progress in Africa .
55 In the past , this did not mean that we would not move from company to company , it most certainly did not mean that we ha that we thought we had a job for life , but it did mean that we expected a degree of permanence and improvement as part of the reward for our endeavours and labour .
56 It certainly did not mean that the two movements had been fused into a single whole .
57 Nowhere did we make any fixed dosage recommendations , and we certainly did not write that ‘ standard ’ doses should be used .
58 Boswell certainly did not consider that it merited more than a brief mention , and was in no way put out by it .
59 The general attitude was entirely hostile to the report and we certainly did not agree that on the basis of the report the CPRS should undertake further studies .
60 With no exceptions these results have been based on poorly controlled trials which , although they do not show that herpes vaccines do n't work , certainly do not prove that they do .
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