Example sentences of "[adv] they [vb past] each [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The men themselves could hardly bear to be above ground ; at least down below they had each other .
2 Yusuf held back , coolly remarking that both sides were their enemies and that the more they slaughtered each other the better .
3 They had spoken their unknown passwords ; now they recognized each other .
4 Now they held each other in a practised and relaxed way , their heavy coats flying out behind them as they swept back and forth , back and forth .
5 She determined that she , not he , would decide how often they saw each other and how they would occupy their time together .
6 Similarly , an analysis of the organisational and institutional forms adopted by the West Indians and the abolitionists reveals how strikingly they mirrored each other .
7 It was just as well they missed each other .
8 After all , they were our two greatest beauties , surely they deserved each other .
9 Ilbrec turned to him , his light plain in the dim room , and then they gripped each other in their arms , Ilbrec hiding his face on Jake 's shoulder .
10 This is not how they perceived each other in the courtship .
11 What archaeology can not do is tell us the names of the people and what great deeds they did , how they influenced each other , and what they thought and believed in — these are things that only historical evidence can tell us .
12 Silently they hugged each other , with Edward trembling for both of them .
13 I witnessed the moment when they recognised each other .
14 And yet , despite this , there was too much to separate the men ; they exasperated each other and yet they needed each other .
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