Example sentences of "[adv] they [vb past] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly they met burnt chip contamination and had to shut down the production line , a major anxiety as they were producing to a tight schedule in a ‘ Just in time ’ situation .
2 Suddenly they heard loud cries coming from the servants ' rooms , at the side of the house .
3 How long they sat unmoving Sally-Anne never knew .
4 Their manpower requirements were planned in detail and they knew exactly when and for how long they needed additional workers .
5 Perhaps they said other things , too — I do n't know .
6 ( Perhaps they despatched certain people to chop down the trees and make the charcoal ?
7 And it was very easy for young erm young women erm who were either just on supplementary benefit or on unemployment , erm to get sucked into that way of living because I mean obviously they wanted nice clothes and things like that .
8 So they made different decisions about the best places for their industries .
9 In doing so they invested Russian literature with a moral passion and intensity which remains breath-taking .
10 Marxist theoreticians argued that without a confident class to support it liberalism failed to complete the bourgeois revolution against feudalism ; thus they sought tactical models in Tsarist Russia that represented a stage of development comparable to that of modern Spain .
11 Thus they caused deep resentment in the hearts of the British troops , more taciturn , impoverished , and clothed in far rougher and less smart uniforms .
12 The physical setting of a parish influenced not only the ways in which a family might farm their land or work at a particular craft but also such basic matters as whether they lived in a village , a hamlet or an isolated farmstead , whether or not they had valuable rights of common to go with their farms or cottages , and sometimes the type of tenure by which they held their land .
13 But whether or not they had sufficient power to exert real influence on state policy , the monarchs were justified in considering themselves the most important persons on the European political stage .
14 I do n't think she approved of such stunts , whether or not they made good television .
15 People lacking supportive relationships were expected to be prone to depression whether or not they experienced major difficulties or threatening events .
16 Still they raised great statues to celebrate the moment when they had laid the Hung Mao low .
17 Later generations spread south as far as the tip of South America ; later still they reached similar latitudes in southern New Zealand .
18 As ever they found drunk drivers but across the area the numbers fell .
19 Yeah like they got little metal plates
20 Gradual encroachment by landowners stealing a few feet whenever they cultivated adjacent fields had severely reduced the width of the original ‘ cordons sanitaire ’ .
21 Although in all the three books considered there is some evolutionary scheme , when we take them together it is clear that Marx and Engels were very willing to modify the overall picture whenever they obtained new information .
22 Later they cleared isolated patches of trees to grow crops and keep animals .
23 If you look from towards , which was a large house in a clump of trees , at the far side was a pavilion which was the clubhouse , they used to hold air displays and pleasure flights , also they had commercial flights .
24 And also they wanted harsh decisions to be taken in respect of their effects on industry .
25 For some years now they had licensing agreements with some major U S companies to produce ‘ Laura Ashley ’ designs on sheets and other home furnishings .
26 Of course they would mourn for Renascia and remember all of the good things about it , only just now they had other things to concentrate on .
27 Medics presented glowing testimonies to successive government inquiries on the marvellous conversion worked by the acts ; where before the conduct of prostitutes was miserable in the extreme , now they had common decency and self-respect .
28 By day the alleys that ran into a scruffy hinterland were rat-hole rubbish traps but now they seemed romantic lanes where lovers might meet under the bracket lamps and as the sun departed , watch the moon ride over a Grimms ' fairy tale huddle of pinnacled rooftops .
29 For the demolition parties the days of scheming and planning were over : now they needed steady nerves and physical strength .
30 Often they lacked day-to-day knowledge of the firms they had invested in , and had a tendency to sell their shares the instant a firm hit trouble .
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