Example sentences of "[adv] they be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The reason American tourists became a byword for vulgarity in Europe was that suddenly they were working-class Americans going abroad .
2 one of the criticisms or possible criticisms of the M R C figures was that these were all patients who had been entered into superficial bladder cancer studies and they do n't therefore re represent all because people are selected to go into the trial and perhaps they are lower risk patients than others and in fact I believe that the recurrence rate in the M R C studies are lower than you would expect for er superficial bladder cancer in general .
3 Plans evolved for new trains for the 1990s Channel Tunnel workings between British provincial centres and Paris , Brussels , and beyond being formed into eighteen coach trains with a power car at each end like an extended electric version of the InterCity 125 diesels , but with the capability to split into nine-coach trains push-pull style with a single power car , perhaps they are all things to all men .
4 They must have had their faces upturned when the bomb went off ; perhaps they were anti-aircraft personnel .
5 Perhaps they were simple questions but , at the age of 13 , we felt we were beginning to think things out for ourselves .
6 Perhaps they were former choirmen or servers from her father 's old parish — that might be the answer .
7 Henceforth they were true custodians of the Imperial Fists ' greatest treasure .
8 So they 're second partners and their Mum and Dad .
9 Fucking , fire 's this gun at him point blank and he goes and he stands there like this , and he , he stood there and he goes running round the corner sort of thing and then he goes he ca n't of missed from that fucking distance you know , and its that distance and er , in the , in the car , the mate goes , the mate sort of till he passed out , and he goes bring it to me , he goes , and its still alive , he goes , but matey in the front goes oh my he goes , I knew you 'd fuck up he goes and so they 're all blanks you
10 I think they were frightening years ago when they , when we were kids so they 're frightening places .
11 So they 're difficult times .
12 The set of four that we sent so they were fifteen pound in there .
13 There are various exceptions erm and there have been two or three in recent years , but it therefore meant that they were fair game for saying anything so they were fair game for a very sensational headline because there was very little chance of recrimination .
14 The site made use of the Mount Royal tunnel and of the considerable falling away of the land , so that although the platforms were below the station building , none the less they were above ground .
15 As argued earlier , I do not consider it useful to debate the significance of these phenomena in terms of an essential theoretical designation of the new strata as either ‘ new working class ’ or ‘ new petty bourgeoisie ’ ( although I have argued that in terms of property relations alone they are working class ) .
16 The auditors do try to avoid entanglement with arguments over local policy ; nevertheless they are permanent watchdogs with powers of scrutiny and criticism .
17 Normally they were military officers , partly because the army provided a supply of trained talent , partly because they were likely to pay attention to orders from London , and mainly because the organization of defence was the crucial part of their work .
18 Generally they were booked months ahead , but there had been a cancellation on one leaving almost at once .
19 Already they were fifty feet above the ground , and rising .
20 It would not be appropriate to consult prospective purchasers , whether or not they are management-employer buy-out teams , in drawing up the disposal programme .
21 Exemption clauses shifting liability , ( from the party in default to the innocent party ) for third party claims of this nature relate in fact ( as between the parties to the contract , and whether or not they are natural persons ) to economic loss , so that s 2(2) will apply rather than s 2(1) .
22 For example , if an idiom may be inflected , the inflectional affixes are carried by the grammatically appropriate elements within the idiom , whether or not they are semantic constituents ; that is to say , the elements of an idiom retain at least some of their grammatical identity :
23 Whether or not they were former members of Big Flame , the International Marxist Group , or any of the other sects which now dissolved themselves into the Labour Party , the Right-Ons ' most effective weapon was an endless capacity to attend even the most obscure meetings .
24 In estimating the number of phonemes in spoken versions of words such as " autumn " and " session " both groups of poor spellers made more errors than a group of good spellers , regardless of whether or not they were good readers .
25 Possibly they were ancient bones
26 Organisations are complex social systems , but must be seen in the context of their technology — ie. they are socio-technical systems .
27 Usually they 're silly things were you have n't quite clipped in correctly to the rope and suddenly , zap , you realise you 've missed death by only a hair 's breadth .
28 Usually they were ordinary cooking herbs that had been taken out of their original packaging , so visitors are advised to any herbs in their original jars or boxes .
29 He could be but not the sort of merchant you 're thinking of there were lots of merchants in those days those merchants who build up places like they were Greek merchants , in fact they were called merchant venturers were n't they ?
30 That 's not true , but even so it is still rather unclear quite what species the older garden crocuses do belong to — probably they are complicated hybrids between C vernus and Middle Eastern species .
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