Example sentences of "[adv] with this [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Privately , he hoped the clergy were unfamiliar enough with this sort of thing not to ask too many questions about the incompetence of all concerned .
2 Obviously with this sort of music the ideas are n't going to be : ‘ Yes , my girlfriend is a nurse and I would like a job in the pit ’ .
3 ‘ How does that fit in with this idea of a universe that doubles back on itself ? ’
4 Okay that does not fit in with this style of newspaper .
5 And also I think , which is very strong and I think it does come out in , in the Chinese Communist Party , is the lust of power which can be even more dangerous when you convince yourself I 'll do all you lot good but I can make you all members of the Communist Party , whether you want to be or not does n't really matter , you know , it 's gon na be for the good of the country so you fall in with this trap of assuming that you want is for their good so it 's sort of a , a dangerous thing .
6 But for the moment we shall go along with this way of looking at things .
7 The volume of expertise available to bureaucracies has increased along with this expansion of state activities .
8 The British government er not only went along with this agreement at the time of the Edinburgh summit , they positively endorsed this arrangement er as being something that they er strongly supported and urged upon other member states in the European community er and that I think is a relevant matter with respect er Mr Deputy Speaker , I I appreciate that er there are other issues relating to these er er constituencies that are of greater concern perhaps to er honourable and right honourable members but this question of who actually is to pay for any new building in the European parliament is something that I believe the government can not avoid .
9 Stevenson himself goes along with this view to a far greater extent than seems appropriate .
10 Nevertheless , despite much wisdom , and many excellent passages , I would not go along with this book in numerous details , nor in its general attitude .
11 Along with this distinction between ‘ public ’ and ‘ private ’ , the Wolfenden Committee also distinguished between ‘ crime ’ and ‘ sin ’ , making it clear that it was only concerned with the former .
12 for Horncastle and together with this wife at Petwood played host to many Royal and prestigious guests , including George V and his son , later to become George VI , who came for tennis parties .
13 ( 158 ) I do n't know what makes you think you can get away with this kind of business …
14 It was the first time she 'd ever spoken to Aunt Sarah and come away with this feeling of no comfort , no help , weighing her down as if the big brass door stop from the porch had got lodged inside her .
15 Politicians get away with this sort of behaviour only in totalitarian states .
16 It 's proof of Verve 's complete control that they can get away with this sort of laval-like show .
17 So I came away with this sort of inside information
18 ‘ You ca n't get away with this sort of thing , you know , ’ she warned grimly .
19 4 Drive the attacker backwards with this kick to the stomach .
20 So was the material already with this decoration on it or was
21 Well , usually with this sort of , with the replicability , or reliability is pretty low .
22 I have begun quite deliberately with this picture of the mass transhumance which was a characteristic feature of crofting when I first became aware of it .
23 She went off with this bloke from the garage .
24 Erm a fully mobile workable skeleton , and th it 's a deprived area of Nottingham and they 've apparently been able to teach them more with this skeleton over this past six months than than any other kids in the school .
25 Please , old friend , come to my house at once with this letter in your hand .
26 ‘ I applaud Myra 's loyalty , but it 's stupid to carry on with this charade of twins . ’
27 Britain and Hong Kong want to show they are determined to press on with this way of dealing with those not considered genuine refugees .
28 But the more we go on with this type of service , this soft praying and quiet singing , and not ringing the bell or catching the Spirit , the more we realize that we ai n't solving the problem .
29 Well , I 'm not one to soldier on with this kind of treatment .
30 But I wanted to do employment , I want to get on with this kind of job , it 's going to be a major political issue , and by God I 'm gon na put it right up front .
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