Example sentences of "[adv] that they [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 Er and if if they would work they did n't want money for it but they would stay a while with you so that they would get their bed for the night and they would get their grub .
32 They had even packed up further provisions in the picnic basket Brian had happened to bring , so that they would have sustenance to help them on their way : Taunton , Wellington , Tiverton .
33 I remember the over-eager , gaping mouths and outstretched necks , as well as those who could only just about lift their eyelids and had to have the food forced down their throats so that they would have the strength to keep fighting for life .
34 Plugger promised to keep the pair for me until the day before I left so that they would have the shortest travelling time possible .
35 Obviously most of them had them marked or had their name on them , so that they would have the same er the same set of tools every day .
36 For the 1984 exercise it was decided to involve course organisers in the collection of information , so that they would have an improved awareness of what their own students were doing after course completion .
37 Her resolution tightening to match , so that they would have to cut her wrists , she thought , to make her let go .
38 Benny and Eve were in the window of Healy 's Hotel practising having cups of coffee so that they would look well accustomed to it when they got to the Dublin coffee houses .
39 Forcing open the door against the wind , he waved at the advancing policeman and stepped clear of the cabin so that they would see he was unarmed .
40 The point of this device was to spring the metal balls to stomach height only , so that they would tear through any human bodies within thirty feet .
41 The scholars of the Renaissance courts studied in depth the philosophy and dictates of classical authors and applied their knowledge to the education of courtiers , so that they would act and behave correctly in the new society .
42 Immediately after the sinking of HMS Sheffield , the Royal Navy changed its policy and reprogrammed all Abbey Hill computers in the task force so that they would recognise the lethal Exocet missile as foe rather than friend .
43 The Manager of the Grand Theatre , Leeds , went to see a school dance production , and was impressed by the quality of the work and offered his theatre to the educational establishments so that they would try to reach a wider audience .
44 … the grains of dust which the Australian detaches from the sacred rock are so many sacred principles which he scatters into space , so that they may go to animate the totemic species and assure its renewal .
45 Does he further agree that the best security for the people of Northern Ireland is in talks and an agreement between political leaders and parties within Northern Ireland so that they may govern their own Province in the interests of all its people ?
46 Consequently , the man in the Kaduna street who watches an NTV report , hears the same story over the state radio and then reads about it in three or four daily papers receives several interpretations of the same event which are very different from one another — so much so that they may appear to be reports of separate events .
47 It is useful for would-be choreographers to study the historical development of classical style so that they may stage a ballet in a traditional way when it has a story firmly linked to a particular time and place .
48 What is important from a pedagogic point of view is that we should , as early as possible , alert students to different discourse types , so that they may classify the interaction they are involved in , and make as productive a use of that classification as we do ourselves .
49 A number of organisations require employees to submit receipts and VAT invoices so that they may reclaim the VAT paid as a business expense .
50 Johnny , Ponyboy 's best friend , hopes his parents will stop arguing and fighting , so that they may lead a normal life together .
51 In effect , we will complete each theory by articulating both their criterion of responsibility and their test for the limits of obligations , so that they may face each other as fully prepared contestants for the honour of being liberal theories of contract law .
52 Help those who seek to communicate the gospel , in words , in pictures , in books , on radio , television and films ; give them the help of your Holy Spirit , so that they may convey the message of hope and new life to the hearts and the minds of those who hear , who read , who watch .
53 we go on hoping and fighting and imagining , despite whatever goes wrong with anybody but the Tory Party is diverting itself with internal feuds and in focusing attention on whether Mr Major will remain Prime Minister or not and this is presumably so that they may ignore the real issues of how to the get the country onto some shared basis of consensus , trust and pragmatic politics which would give our society a chance of facing up to questions of economics , politics , pollution and living together in community in the sort of world we 've actually got .
54 The purpose of this document is to give sufficient information to potential suppliers so that they may estimate the cost to Oxford University Press of acquiring and using systems and services .
55 It is essential that these councils are set up as soon as possible so that they may start work on all the detailed arrangements and consultations that will be necessary if a smooth transition to the new funding system is to be ensured .
56 Furthermore I hope to share the experiences gained in this expedition with those around me so that they may realise that they can make a difference , however small it may be , if they choose .
57 If they apply the law incorrectly they have not performed their duty correctly and judicial review is available to correct their error of law so that they may make their decision upon a proper understanding of the law .
58 Adults and children spend time learning to read and write so that they may recover and renew what is best even though it is all sadly threatened again by those who destroyed it a generation ago .
59 They would include : opportunities for students to see or experience equipment or processes which are not on offer within the institution ; the chance for a student to sample a possible future job or career ; the opportunity to learn something ( not much ) of the lives led in employment by their neighbours , their parents or their peer-group , so that they may grow up more understanding and more tolerant ( this rather pious hope may in fact be quite unjustified , they may have confirmed or developed disdain or envy for others ) ; a good student may catch the eye of an employer looking for a later recruit ; absence may lend enchantment to the view of the college and the students may return from work-experience reassured about their choice of education ; students may be motivated to work hard at college by the prospect of either securing a job like the one they have seen or tried , or by the determination to avoid a similar fate ; all these outcomes may be little more predictable than the consequences of going to the zoo for a visit .
60 Nissel and Bonnerjea acutely observe that all this may lead to ‘ a lack of perspective on the situation ’ so that they may find it difficult to accept appropriate help or place limits on their involvement .
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