Example sentences of "[adv] that we [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There is still much that we do not know ; J. Hartley in a thirty-year survey ended shatteringly : There is a complex job to be done .
2 A second reason is perhaps that we have not obtained many of the much-trumpeted benefits that we were promised from the original Common Market .
3 It was gon na take quite a while so erm we got the base five as quickly as possible so that we had as many hands on the job at once and er we had some formwork getting spare so we decided to make them useful and it 's a case of we 'd got six tanks to do and if we had a breakage we ca n't afford to stop the programme so as a er , a standby , just in case , we may never use these we might three or four uses out of but if we do have a breakage we want to be able to replace that straight away so have a spare set and you 've got nothing more to do and er get the walls , get the er , the back build operation right at the very end , ongoing , till you 've got the waterproofers in er get the waterproofing up to the five meter level and er get the back build in as quickly as possible .
4 Large pieces of timber take some considerable time to come to equilibrium with the surrounding humidity and , because the English weather changes so often , there was generally no time to build up dangerous differences in swelling strains so that we had comparatively little trouble from this cause , so long as the aircraft were in this country .
5 So much so that we took out insurance er if it went over twenty percent we were covered .
6 Well my free kick , he actually got a touch on that as well , he tipped it onto the post for the free kick yes , but I mean even when he bounced out to Mickey Lewis , one of their defenders got a great block from about two yards out to send it out for the corner , which luckily we scored from the corner , so that we got away with it then .
7 It could be accomplished , I thought , by not worrying about the future , by taking things day by day , and our being perfectly honest with one another so that we knew where we were ; and loving .
8 Sunlight reflected from a window among the palm trees to lance a sliver of dazzling light at our cockpit , then the reflection was gone and we were at sea level , engines screaming , and I fumbled for the camera , prayed it had not broken when it fell from the ceiling , and took another picture just before Maggot lifted the aircraft 's nose so that we swooped up and over the palm trees that edged the beach .
9 Our research also told us that the Student 's Book had to be in colour , so we took out the pictures and began again — using two pictures instead of one wherever possible — so that we stay up to date with the latest modifications to the Interview , Paper 5 .
10 It suggests we input resources so that we get out a functioning professional .
11 The liberal compromises : " Let's prune , so that we lose neither the old trunk nor the new branches " .
12 We 've got , we have n't got capital programme there is minus of two thousand to show in appendix two but we usually have an itemized area by area booklet on the minor scheme so that we know where the minor capital schemes are , but we have n't got that
13 Now you ca n't possibly test a medicine on ten thousand people before you start to sell it , so that sort of risk , as rare a risk as that , will only be picked up when the medicine has actually been in use and on the market and been properly prescribed for some years , and what we are doing now , and what is particularly interesting , is to start to use computers to pick up these adverse reactions so that we know much more quickly in future if a medicine is doing any harm and we can either stop prescribing it for the people who are going to suffer from it , and that 's the most likely thing , or else take it off the market altogether if it 's if we do n't if we ca n't pick out the people who might be at risk .
14 Right , now we 've come I think to future events , erm , and we need to just try and list anything you know that 's coming up so , partly so that we 've actually got it down writing and we can look back on it .
15 Now I 'm wondering how easy or whether there 's any mileage in actually having a report coming to our next committee , to actually build on that so that we 've actually got something to pull on figures to consider erm , and if , and it , it is going to detrimentally impact upon us to a greater or lesser extent , then , then obviously it 's helpful to me .
16 We 've had lectures in the biology area , in physics , in engineering and in chemistry , so that we 've really spanned the whole shooting match really as far as that goes , and of course we try to put something into these lectures for those doing the most advanced work in the sixth form and also for those doing O levels , let's say , and some who are younger even than that .
17 but if you can think of some way to say that and put it down so that we put down something like four sentences on paper and a few examples .
18 Instead of re-running programmes set up in childhood , we can create new programmes , so that we learn how to consciously programme our own lives .
19 The horse 's behaviour may be modified by trying to get it to have confidence in us and to like us ; and by keeping our own aggression under control , so that we do n't arouse the horse 's aggressive instinct .
20 You 're trying to blind us with all your scientific talk , so that we do n't see what you 're getting at , and leave you alone till it 's too late … ’ ‘ … you 're a wicked , evil man , like that other woman said , flying in the face of Nature and God … ’ ‘ … and what about Einstein ?
21 Indoors he can get through almost half a show with one guitar — but then I try and get him off that , so that we do n't have the problem of breaking strings . ’
22 Women idealise male qualities of aggression , ambition and sexual confidence so that we do n't have to confront them in ourselves .
23 ‘ Just so that we do n't overtax young Jimbo 's powers of resistance . ’
24 This is why we have instituted imaginative reforms of education , of health , of the legal profession , of social security , and of other crucial areas of our national life — so that we do n't just do more , but also do better .
25 so that we do n't clash with each other statistically
26 so that we do n't all meet as strangers on the day .
27 I erm as much as anything else so that we do n't block a fire exit on the gro , on , in the basement .
28 Put a band on , just so that we do n't you know , erm squash their hair .
29 Just so that we do n't get any products on the clothes .
30 We instruct without formal RYA courses at Paxos , Porto Heli and Cannigione so that we do n't hinder the flexibility of these holidays too much .
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