Example sentences of "[adv] that [pron] [vb -s] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 These include such essentials as a preliminary sounding meeting with the head and whoever else is part of the school 's senior management ( i.e. anyone in a position to further the aims of the group ) to secure their sanction and support ; and an introductory meeting with as many of the staff as possible and manageable , for instance over a working lunch , regardless of who will eventually join the group , so that everybody knows what it will be about and interest is generated even in those who may not wish to join it .
2 Information can be given to each child separately ( either verbally or in writing ) , so that no-one knows what the others ' information is .
3 The purpose of the group meeting should be made clear from the start so that everyone knows what they are about , and what is expected of them .
4 Tell the resident what you plan to do before you start so that he/she knows what is about to happen and can help if possible .
5 The public relations worker studies these differences , called " profiles " , so that she knows which paper is best suited for her information to get the best response .
6 Christopher Patten , who was then in charge of the Research Department , but is now in total control of the Party machine , will find it difficult to re-establish the library and its heritage , even supposing that the catalogues have been kept so that he knows what has been lost .
7 A good horse trainer teaches a horse good habits so that it does what he wants it to do automatically , without it learning any undesirable behaviour or bad habits in the process ; but a poor trainer often finds that his horses learn something unwanted at the same time .
8 Now here is John Templeton , secretary of the STA : In framing the piece scale in printing , you have to frame the scale so that it covers everything , that is so that it covers what we call " extras " as well .
9 It is only when the reader wakes up that he wonders what it means .
10 Then coming on to the end of Street next door was a milliners , now that nobody knows what they are today Miss the name was and then coming across Street to the other side was which was a drapers , and next coming down was Smiths the butcher 's shop , and next to that was the grocers , following on down there was the ironmonger , then there was the newspaper , and you come down to the White Hart erm then we come to the White Hart
11 He says simply that he enjoys what he does ( he 's in research ) and is not ambitious — that he 'd be unhappy on the managerial side .
12 The Profitboss profits from the facts , convincing his customers , suppliers , colleagues and team alike that he knows what he 's talking about , that his conclusions and recommendations are based on solid evidence rather than unsubstantiated opinion .
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