Example sentences of "[adv] that [pron] was in " in BNC.

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1 She realised suddenly that she was in the wrong lane , and pulled over sharply on the slippery road .
2 we can see at the bottom of one , three , four bearing in mind that these are the August nineteen ninety two accounts , we see at the top of one , three , four that there have in fact been an adjustment there for the previous year to August nineteen ninety one so that there was in fact an amount of surplus created to the residence of a hundred and eight pounds , eighty P , is that right ?
3 You are to come now. , He concentrated on positioning his shoulder so that it was in a cave formed by a fold of the stiff , harsh blanket , untouched by it .
4 He held the tiny statue up so that it was in clear view of the camera .
5 But , even so , pride would not allow Fabia to kowtow to anyone , so that it was in the coolest of tones , her expression wooden and unyielding , that she opened her mouth and asked him bluntly , ‘ Are you prepared to give me an interview or not ? ’
6 Looking down into his eyes , Harry Pascoe knew instinctively that there was in Tristram the makings of the sort of man he would have liked to have been himself : a man of honour , a man untroubled by jealousy or a guilty conscience .
7 Not that he was in any way merry — I 'd merely triggered off his own insomniac hysteria and his laughter quickly subsided into a sort of drained whimpering .
8 Not that he was in much danger of noticing .
9 Not that she was in quite so much awe of the Larks since Sir Felix had failed to marry Gemma .
10 In the space of ten days , Franco had demonstrated unequivocally that he was in complete control , militarily and politically .
11 What I hear , people talk to me , took a time but they do , is that the Front was just a vehicle for him , that there were no deeply held principles in it , more that he was in love with the danger , the risk of arrest .
12 Lord Darlington called me into his study , and I could see at once that he was in a state of some agitation .
13 It was often said later that it was in Switzerland that Muhammad Reza required a sympathy for aspect of democracy , and that his subsequent attempts to reconcile such notions with the governance of Iran proved to be difficult .
14 ‘ We talked about it , ’ said Jenny , ‘ because I told him frankly that I was in love with Jamie , and he looked at me as if I needed my head examined ! ’
15 Macpherson has argued convincingly that it was in the context of just such a society that the case For a representative democracy was initially accepted , first as a logical requirement to protect acquisitive , self-interested and conflicting individuals ( from rapacious governments and from one another ) and second to establish and nurture a free market economy ( MacPherson , 1977 ) .
16 Chowood Ltd. v. Lyall ( No. 2 ) [ 1930 ] 2 Ch. 156 concerned a strip of land which had , on first registration , been included in a registered title notwithstanding that it was in the possession of an adjoining owner .
17 And his head swooped , his mouth meeting hers as she moaned , her mouth opening hungrily beneath his , unable to fight now that she was in his arms .
18 This had gone too far , and now that she was in very grave danger her mind was able to overpower her desire .
19 He fingered some of the amulets and icons that dangled around his neck now that he was in the warp .
20 Now that he was in his mid-seventies he signed his rare letters to her ‘ Daddy ’ or even ‘ Pops ’ .
21 Now that he was in charge and had brought her home ?
22 Now that I was in touch with Leslie again , I became very happy at Bletchley , in spite of anxiety over his safety .
23 Well I 've lived in quite a few places , I 've , I say , before I came here , I was at mother and baby Home , and before that I was living with friends in Liverpool , and before that I was in Nottingham at a bed and breakfast place , lodgings , and er
24 Er then of course er petrol , before that I was in the , before I started the work we used to go out delivering petrol and petrol was all done in tins , two gallon tins .
25 It 's not something I particularly thought an awful lot of until I came on crime prevention , because before that I was in police uniform with marked cars with the radio , although half the time in Harlow , the radios do n't work cos we 're getting .
26 Before that it was in a similar condition to the cottage next door which has the original entrance to the spa .
27 Which was probably a quotation from something , though Rufus did not know what and thought fastidiously that it was in bad taste , histrionic , though just like Adam .
28 " It was n't that I was in love with him , you know , " she said , from time to time , as chorus to her main argument , " it was n't as though I was in love with him , you know . "
29 They also " took up the case of Archibald McGreggor , Beadle , of whom an account of a fall from a horse while attending a funeral , a surmise had gone abroad that he was in a state of intoxication " but they found that " nothing could be made a ground of process against him . "
30 And erm he was still at them and then that he was in the right .
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