Example sentences of "[adv] that [adj] be the " in BNC.

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1 He was responsible for slipping the medical clauses unobtrusively into the Act of 1907 , judging rightly that this was the only means to avoid public and parliamentary conflict about this extension of state action .
2 Several who tried keeping the cats reported delightedly that this was the case .
3 How will you make me get out of your way when you know deep down that that 's the last thing you really want me to do ? ’
4 So that that 's the saving effect , the difference between those two is the saving .
5 So that that 's the so at first the claim is suspended .
6 So that that is the disadvan , so so wi with this as you say , it 's only on their second one , erm , the increasing benefit plan , the benefits are only increasing when you 're actually claiming ,
7 Lillee , Hall , Lindwall , Miller and Allen are greater names for the past ) ; and not only that this is the longest sentence I 've ever put together .
8 She did not know what the matter was but knew instinctively that this was the right thing to do .
9 I insisted on taking the two till four in the morning watch , as I had read somewhere that this is the time when one is at one 's lowest ebb , and therefore when death is most likely to occur .
10 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ said O'Rourke when they had calmed down , ‘ it 's just that that was the gesture Edmund Kean is supposed to have used on the ‘ Is this a dagger ? ’ speech in Macbeth at the New Theatre Royal , Drury Lane , in 1823 . ’
11 or , or whether it 's just that this is the best case that I can promote .
12 Not that that was the end of it — NCR had simply had to open up opportunities for people lower down the ladder to develop , backed up by formal systems of career planning , appraisal and psychometric testing to mine the required resource .
13 Not that this is the only bone of contention between them , no , not by a long chalk .
14 I know you 're tired , but when you go to see this film , if you do n't like your work in this scene , just remember always that this was the day you screwed up .
15 Few men living in Leicester were not , Theda reflected , for in her former life she had learned early that this was the best hunting country in England .
16 I think I will look back on this day and think , I really had quite a distressing haircut did n't I , but also that this was the first day I was introduced to the humour of Vic and Bob .
17 The company 's mid-Wales network , the most rural area it served , showed the greatest decline in the 1970s — 35 per cent — which supports the contention discussed later that these are the types of areas that now typically have the poorest effective public transport provision .
18 It was an old joke — a teetotaller knows every morning when he wakes up that that 's the best he 's going to feel all day .
19 Wilberforce saw very clearly that this was the issue and that evolutionism was damnable because it implied moral and cultural relativity .
20 And it turns out that these are the ones that are easily measured .
21 It turned out that these were the guys who run the show , the kingpins of British ufology .
22 The survey , published yesterday , points out that 1993 is the European year of older people and ‘ solidarity between generations ’ .
23 Land-use practices have also altered the Fijian landscape , as has been discussed by Clarke and Morrison ( 1987 ) who point out that this is the result of sugar-cane cultivation which has been the mainstay of Fiji 's economy since the 1880s .
24 It should also be pointed out that this is the pattern for the most usual spellings for the other vowel and diphthong sounds :
25 It turns out that this is the better way to think about Planck 's condition .
26 When a suitable opportunity occurs , a tutor should encourage his students to send in tests regularly for correction , pointing out that this is the only way a student has of finding out whether he really understands a subject .
27 When the latest decision became known last night , Peter said that it was encouraging for Mansell , the Ferrari lawyer pointing out that this was the first time that the FIA had not confirmed a decision .
28 James Bell pointed out that this was the first stage of a large plan which would cost £585,000 .
29 Drawing attention to a monograph by the International Agency for Research on Cancer which concluded that the only true protection against asbestos ' carcinogenicity was a ban , Levinson pointed out that this was the view of the best medical expertise .
30 A Soviet writer pointed out that this was the reaction of even a figure such as Sayyid Gailani , the head of the National Front for the Islamic Revolution , who was far more cosmopolitan than other resistance leaders and recognised the necessity of coexistence with the USSR .
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