Example sentences of "[adv] that [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , so that gets back to the thing over policy .
2 So that works out to around ten thousand pounds a year .
3 I 've got a little bit here going from Mr he had to come in again and see to two lights and he 'd only take two pounds and that included the light bulb , but I paid him so that comes out of the .
4 The terrain being flat , the wind tore across scrub and heathland unimpeded , and the snow it drove ahead of itself banked against our cottage , so that to get out to the pump we had to dig ourselves a path .
5 Richard now admitted to himself that they might be lost after all but knew instinctively that saying so to Victoria would destroy the flattering confidence she placed in him .
6 Monogamy also leads to marriages being part of property deals among the ruling classes since marriage becomes part of the process of securing heirs to private property , and once marriage is seen as a matter of passing on property , it rapidly takes on that form exclusively among the propertied classes .
7 If the universe is indeed spatially infinite , or if there are infinitely many universes , there would probably be some large regions somewhere that started out in a smooth and uniform manner .
8 so you can go to them and ask them for advice and they ca n't give it , because there 's not that link back to where you know
9 At Leeds , for example , the grid of streets between the present railway station and the significantly named The Headrow , though now much mutilated by modern development , is still that laid out by Maurice de Paynel in the early thirteenth century .
10 Just two machines , four people and gradually that got up to a reasonable size er i it grew on the back of companies like , , , manufacturing what I call the coordinated look cos knitwear was utilized for bringing other things together .
11 At first they talked easily about David 's chances of demobilisation , and the kind of law he would practise when he eventually got back to London , and his prospects of fighting a reasonably safe seat at the next General Election , but inevitably that led on to Julia 's plans .
12 Now that went on for a month .
13 Well that walked all over him !
14 Well that came up in Anne in Anne Bronte 's book as well did n't he ?
15 my uncle 's gone oh fuck off like this and he started to put his fork in again and we goes , my dad goes well that look distinctly like a three inch mortar shell so I would n't put any more in there if , I would n't put your fucking fork 's in there again if I was you , they had to get the bomb squad out , they diffused it , they found about five fucking mortar bombs
16 So you too would assume quoick transformation we 've got a geometric progression in here that goes off to infinity alright which is equivalent to that , that little thing alright , we 've got three parameters here this one , that one and that one , alright , so we converted what is an infinite stream into a finite stream using this er , quoick transformation .
17 There is much here that chimes well with the empirical evidence in earlier sections .
18 Much of it is clearly apologist , particularly that produced directly by TNCs or by public relations firms on their behalf ( for which see the analysis of Stauffer , 1979 ) .
19 In the 1950s and 1960s presidents were accorded , in American terms , great leeway in foreign policy , but even that came nowhere near the extraordinary freedom to manoeuvre enjoyed by British prime ministers in such matters .
20 Even that turned out to be no simple task .
21 Maybe that comes in with a hat that says , Authoritarian , disciplined type of interview .
22 Behbehanian was to write to all foreign banks that held the Shahs funds to inform then that form no on His Imperial Majesty would be dealing with them direct and the He Muhammad Behbehanian , would no longer be acting on the Shah 's behalf .
23 If Daine 's Dream adheres to the formulae , then that reads out as an unacceptable risk to me . ’
24 When you pick up the rec , the , the hands it will actually take you through to the nearest police control room area now , if it 's on the M eleven then most of the calls will go into Chelmsford , our police headquarters , once you cross over the borders and go into Metropolitan area , then that goes up to the Scotland Yard in their control rooms .
25 So it quite clearly there 's traffic going on to there that does n't with what you 're saying .
26 Go up there , up to their stairs , that 's her kitchen window and there 's a lo big sun lounge there that goes right along there and right along here .
27 Good heavens , Wilson , I have nothing to write now , only lines here and there that add up to precious little .
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