Example sentences of "[adv] he would not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The book is intended for undergraduates in their second or third year of a philosophy degree , but this need not necessarily deter readers with other backgrounds ; e.g. , my father claims to be able to understand it , though perhaps he would not thank me for the suggestion that he is representative .
2 But perhaps he would not force her .
3 A big reason for bringing him was so he would not call Tod Richardson on the telephone and inform him I was coming .
4 He realized full well that he stood no chance of getting further reinforcements , and anyway he would not have time to train them .
5 And tonight he would not have .
6 Franks led them through some swing doors with a flourish and into another corridor , explaining that normally he would not waste money by taking them to a full editing suite .
7 Still he would not hear .
8 ON the eve of the most crucial test yet for Russia 's radical reforms , President Yeltsin made clear yesterday he would not cede any of his emergency powers to parliament , although he said some aspects of his economic programme would be softened .
9 This letter is incomplete in the Darlington collection , but it obviously contained much of use to Bartram whose draft reply ( in the Library of the American Philosophical Society ) dated February 1759 stated that had the postage been three times more he would not have missed it .
10 If the ring had not captured and ruined Gollum 's mind , he would never have been overcome by desire of it and hence he would not have snatched the Ring and fallen into the Cracks of Doom , the only place the Ring can be destroyed .
11 probably he would not complain .
12 Obviously John had no time to investigate the theory , and probably he would not have bothered anyway , since it looks convincing and he was given to quick enthusiasms .
13 Five years back he would not have even contemplated the Wiring Project .
14 If Oliver had seen him now he would not think he was a man who was finished , he would see a desperate will to survive and defend himself .
15 Even he would not give an order .
16 But he was eleven years older and a father of two — surely he would not take up arms ?
17 Surely he would not take another woman there , not to their place ?
18 Surely he would not dare to ask that Akram and Waquar Younis be permitted 25 overs each and that a little life be left in pitches which are now the equivalent of a moribund second-day Test strip ?
19 She eyed the biscuit plate and the Clarion Cry simultaneously — surely he would not mind if she took another biscuit ?
20 Sometimes he would not leave his room for days on end .
21 Then he would not have been able to escape .
22 He was studying to be a commercial artist and when he was in Mr Frampton 's art class ( this was Peter Frampton 's father ) in his later tears at Bromley tech , Frampton lectured the form on how he would not tolerate tapered trousers . ’
23 In the silent happiness that was life in la Sologne , Jean-Claude explained to me why he was not working on Frontenac 's libretto and how he would not do so for any amount of money .
24 Our white 's qualities would certainly tend very much to preserve him to a good old age , and yet he would not suffice in any number of generations to turn his subjects ' descendants white …
25 Even if the examiner agrees with the candidate in his answer to ( i ) , the examiner must have meant ( ii ) to be dealt with , or else he would not have troubled to put it in .
26 He would in general recognize as as-if rights those declared by other judges in past decisions , but again he would not include all such decisions .
27 Luke was not an eye-witness , otherwise he would not have used Mark as a source .
28 Ordinarily he would not have spoken of one woman to another , but Miss van Williamsburgh was so straightforward , so unaffected , and Céline was always so near the surface of his thoughts .
29 But it seemed , sir , when first I talked to Mrs Browning , before ever I mentioned my plan , or else I would not have mentioned it , it seemed Ferdinando was to go , that there was no choice , that he was nigh essential to your comfort , and then , having spoken out , to find he was not and therefore he would not go and my plan was to come to nothing — it is hard to understand , sir . ’
30 Most certainly he would not take this initial set-back passively .
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