Example sentences of "[adv] he have [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Apparently he had quarrelled with Survage too , although he does not explain why .
2 All he has to cope with is his own shame .
3 Nevertheless he had persisted with the Saturday Benediction , and Lent had impelled a respectable number to attend .
4 Tonight he had dispensed with his usual practice .
5 He pushed the papers from him as though he knew already he had done with them .
6 She told the court that she had known eighteen-year-old Beno for three years , that in 1941 he had lost his power of speech when his lodgings suffered a direct hit , and that thereafter he had lived with the fantasy of becoming an air force officer .
7 His choice of words shows how thoroughly he has identified with his subject , and for what reason .
8 Now he had vanished with no reasonable explanation whatever .
9 Now he 's associated with the wrong sort of guys , so he 's gotten on to that stuff .
10 But since his arrival at the theatre five years ago he has worked with the artistic director , Roger Redfarn , to make full use of his evident skills in business management .
11 Earlier he had gone with Angela Foley to break the news of Lorrimer 's death to his father .
12 Back then he had argued with his son : had denied Yuan 's insistence that they were the gaolers of Tsao Ch'un 's City , the inheritors of a system which shaped them for ill .
13 Then he has to cope with the alarming vocal displays of the old males , designed to put him off his game .
14 Since then he has played with a succession of famous names in rock history , including Joe Cocker , Tim Hinkley , Frankie Miller , Roy Harper , Paul McCartney , Ronnie Lane etc .
15 He just reported that you were asking questions , and explained how he 'd dealt with it .
16 On the way upstairs , the porter remembered how he had struggled with all their luggage and had received no tip .
17 Tom Reynolds remembered how he had quarrelled with his father , a quarrel much like the one he was leading up to with Esther Ward .
18 The Letter of 1027 reports that he visited Rome to pray for the redemption of his sins and the security of his subjects , and tells how he had negotiated with the pope a reduction in the sums paid by English archbishops when they went for the pallium .
19 I just , I ca n't wish , I do n't know how he 's stuck with fifty one years really do you ?
20 Instead he had to contend with the usual difficulty of those with rights in personam : if the trustee was insolvent , they would be worth little .
21 Using his binoculars , he watched the ball roll to within a few feet of the bunker into which he himself had dived that day when he had played with Richie , Dr. Stevie and Sir Bryan .
22 In Bagshaw [ 1988 ] Crim LR 321 , the accused intended to return gas cylinders when he had finished with them .
23 Yet he had argued with Miguel .
24 In practice however he has to comply with it , because , if he does not , that fact is evidence against him and , if he does , he has a complete defence .
25 His virginity , his half-shameful fear of her close , warm-smelling , overwhelming femaleness , his social insecurity , born in that small , terraced house near the river at Ely , where he had lived with his widowed mother , nurtured by the desperate contrivings , the small deceptions of respectable poverty , the deprivation that was so much more humiliating than the real poverty of the inner cities .
26 He hung on to his memories , walking alone on the Geest , past the streets and houses and dark alleys where he had walked with her that winter .
27 It is however landscape which holds the greatest interest for the Royal artist and Deeside , the Yorkshire Dales , and Norfolk are among the areas where he has roamed with sketch-pad and paints .
28 He will probably have it in America where he has signed with film legend Paul Newman 's Indycar team .
29 It was an area well known to Robert as previously he had worked with C.V .
30 To him , she was still the same Alyssia , and heaven only knew why he had slept with her .
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