Example sentences of "[adv] he [verb] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then suddenly he lunged and the pleasant sensation was gone , replaced not by pain but by a strange , full feeling and Sally began to feel frightened again .
2 Once the linguist ‘ brings over ’ his formal abstract concepts into the cultural domain then , however much he protests that no ranking is intended , the attribution of such qualities as ‘ objectivity ’ to some languages and not others can not but have implications for ranking and for power .
3 Apparently he suggested that the common Unix brand and the common interface specification be owned by the industry as represented by Unix International Inc .
4 Apparently he suggested that the common Unix brand and the common interface specification be owned by the industry as represented by Unix International .
5 If only he knew that no man could give her what he had — thirteen frantic days of excitement and sensuality that would be with her for the rest of her life .
6 Perhaps he thought that a man , or more than one man , was trying to hurt or kill his mother , and perhaps he thought this nearly every night of his life .
7 He still managed to get up the stairs in the pavilion to help launch Berkshire 's new sponsorship , but then perhaps he thought that the name of the sponsors — the Head Partnership — was far enough removed from his own problems to be of no concern .
8 He had told Fahfakhs that the young man wanted to marry Claudia , and perhaps he thought that the district officer was laughing at him and treating him with contempt .
9 Erm it 's quite important from the next thing that he talks about is er ex abolishing exorbitant levies , obviously he says as the country is not yet unified and the authority of the imperialist and the warlords have not been overthrown there is as yet no way of removing the heavy burden of government taxes and levies on the peasants .
10 So he reasons that a foam blown with this natural surfactant could be effortlessly breathed .
11 Napoleon III had no intention of allowing this to happen and so he determined that the Court should never be more than a set-piece , a backdrop in front of which the principal figures of the regime could be seen to advantage .
12 If so he wonders if the patient needs to cry and has for some reason stopped himself .
13 Thus he proposed that an accountability scheme should :
14 Thus he explains that the lower part of active life consists in the works of mercy and charity in society , the higher in the activities involved in penance and meditation which are also the lower part and the groundwork for contemplative knowledge of God who is beyond the ability of man 's active faculties to comprehend .
15 Soon he realised that the coveralls which were visible on the far bank were Navy dark blue and not Survey Service drab grey .
16 He says that he did not kill you or your companions because you were unarmed , and anyway he thought that the two he killed intended to use their weapons on you . ’
17 Finally he suggested that the committee would have to look both at the alternative provision for the 16–19 age-group that was provided by BTEC , CGLI , CVPE , and RSA ( all that which is to come under the general control of the new National Council for Vocational Qualifications ) and at the extent to which pupils who have followed GCSE courses may have become accustomed to a different kind of assessment procedure from that incorporated in A levels .
18 Movingly he admitted that the divorce of his own parents — actor Terence Donovan and children 's TV presenter Sue McIntosh had left deep scars .
19 Has not he realised that the CAP is the only agricultural support system under which consumers pay a subsidy to farmers and end up paying more for their food than if they had not paid the subsidy in the first place ?
20 The thought of the Marlborough boys ‘ discovering ’ him gave him obvious pleasure ; and whether or not he believed that the curriculum should include modern literature ( as Auden was later to say that it should not ) , he certainly believed , with his own youthful experience in mind , that the young should be enabled to explore new fields in the arts for themselves .
21 If that is so , the defendant can not be convicted if he raises doubts as to whether or not he realised that the person with whom he was dealing was a policeman , or that he did not realise that what he was doing would make the task of the policeman more difficult .
22 Already he knew that the difference was there .
23 He made claims to be an authority on Africa , and I could not help suspecting that subconsciously he felt that an incompetent ignoramus had invaded his territory .
24 Moreover he found that a concession made in the pleadings to the effect that the plaintiffs did not allege that the defendants had made use of any of the plaintiffs ' trade secrets since leaving their employment was , in the light of the judgment of Faccenda Chicken Ltd v Fowler [ 1986 ] 1 All ER 617 fatal .
25 The more he thought about it , the more he felt that the contract he had renegotiated with Virgin had not gone far enough .
26 The further he is from the pressure of the GP circus , the more he relaxes and the wider his grin becomes
27 Further he comments that the male has the greater discretion of reason .
28 They sent him home from school or something , send him straight home from school and er , do n't know I suppose take him to hospital today and then , I assume they 've got to bring him home and he said oh no he said you have n't got to take me home he said cos the boy 's got to be from school , come round tomorrow and pick you up
29 He recognizes in Raskolnikov a fellow-struggler , and repeatedly he says that the two of them are birds of a feather ; but he also bids him farewell with a pointed ‘ You to the right and I to the left , or the other way round if you like ’ towards the end of their final meeting , because setting off for America , unlike the North Pole , while it may or may not amount to doing anything ( Crime and Punishment does n't raise the question ) marks a parting of their ways .
30 The leader of the council , Robert Gould , said later he accepted that the 1.5 per cent pay increase was totally unrealistic , but said the unions should be directing their anger at the Conservative Government , which was to blame for the situation .
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