Example sentences of "[adv] he [verb] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lastly he had picked an immense , fifteen-barrelled pistol out of the pile rejected by the Collector .
2 Suddenly he 'd lost the taste for it .
3 Suddenly he had crossed the gap between them .
4 The path they were on continued to twist and wind until suddenly he paused to place a hand on her arm .
5 Broomhead had been staring ahead scowling and suddenly he turned to face the old man .
6 Suddenly he decided to take a chance : somehow they would get Therese on to the stage in that ridiculous boy 's costume and let her sing .
7 Sometimes Brian tried to comfort himself with the fact that , however much he had wanted a child , he had not forced motherhood on Celia , that Harry 's conception had not exactly been his fault ; but then that thought had been instantly negated by the realisation that his own pleasure at her pregnancy , their move to the country and his insistence that all would be well , amounted to a foolish bigoted optimism for which he blamed himself entirely .
8 ‘ He liked the song so much he wanted to have a long version of it , ’ claimed Moroder , ‘ and that 's when I did the 17-minute one .
9 Naturally he has expressed a desire to see you , but if his wishes are to be fulfilled you must leave for France at once .
10 But then he 'd , apparently he seemed to have an older brother with him
11 Apparently he had mistaken the small man in jeans for the window cleaner he had sent for .
12 Apparently he 'd called the previous evening and been surprised I was n't there .
13 or and apparently he 'd lost a strip .
14 Apparently he 'd brought the corpse in and then tried to claim commission on it .
15 apparently he 's got a
16 Yeah Mark apparently he 's got the second biggest cock that this had ever seen .
17 Apparently he 's had a m a couple of mellies on Frank .
18 He knew that basically he had enjoyed the careful battle of wits .
19 Before long he had invented a new science called Gastrotechnology , which he defined simply as the scientific explanation of accepted principles of cookery .
20 Sigeberht 's position was possibly insecure because he was only Eorpwald 's maternal brother — that is , he was Raedwald 's step-son — and before long he abdicated to enter a monastery , and Ecgric ruled alone ( HE 111 , 18 ) .
21 If he 'd had his hands on her for one minute , he could have given her something to remember him by ; if only he 'd spat a single obscenity into her ear before running off , it would have been something .
22 If only he 'd learned the lesson his father had taught him when he taught him , before it all went wrong .
23 Perhaps he had visited the pirates during the night , when they were lying around their fire , full of rum .
24 perhaps he had undone the knot and looked inside or perhaps he had done no more than lift it and feel its weight .
25 Perhaps he had discovered a seam — did you have a seam of garnet ? — and had come back secretly to exploit it , and …
26 Perhaps he had hit a patch of false going which caused him to lose his action , or had a fleeting muscular spasm which lost him the use of his hind legs — something like Bryan Marshall had reported after a couple of his races earlier in the season .
27 perhaps he had undone the knot and looked inside or perhaps he had done no more than lift it and feel its weight .
28 He had intended to head back to the funicolare station but perhaps he had taken a wrong turning somewhere in his hurry to get away from Maidstone 's apartment .
29 Perhaps he had found a new temporary partner by now .
30 Perhaps he had had a bad day at the garage and had not sold enough crummy second-hand cars .
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