Example sentences of "[adv] for [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Once you had been through the three years what did you find had developed most for you as an actor ?
2 He may do it by actually ‘ clobbering ’ somebody , but this would imply a rather drastic escalation of the conflict situation and happens too rarely for everyone in the aggro-leader role to prove themselves .
3 ‘ Do n't imagine you can take it out on me because things have not gone right for you at the party .
4 ‘ When I bought this house and insisted she move in with me she took the path of least resistance and agreed , although even then if I 'd had the wits to see them all the signs were there that although she relished my role as provider she cared very little for me as a person . ’
5 He says being a little forgiving I could praps forgive them a little for us on the 1952 test , the first , but I ca n't forgive them for what they did to these other lads on the later tests , they must have known something from Nagasaki , Hiroshima and Bikini atoll tests .
6 When you have finished , go back over the whole list and circle those four or five things that you would like to work on for yourself over the next week or so .
7 Silverstein called Douglas , who had already read the script , and to Silverstein 's tremendous relief , Kirk said that the part was n't big enough for him as a star , and not small enough for a cameo .
8 It was good enough for them in the old days , and it will be good enough for them again , especially with THE woman out of the way .
9 ‘ I loved it and the house works brilliantly for us as a family . ’
10 Wilcox waited impatiently for her at the bottom of the final staircase .
11 I did write it down for her in the list .
12 ‘ When the lawsuit was beginning , before he could possibly have known about it , he wrote this down for me on a bit of paper . ’
13 You wo n't find the answer written down for you in the bowl of a compass — I can tell you that .
14 She felt herself to be of right there , to have a place upon its departure platforms , and the London train drew in for her with a particular significance .
15 Anderton struck twice in three minutes in the first half to stun 20,000 fans allowed in for nothing for a game marking Sunderland 's new status as a city .
16 ‘ Knowing your superb taste , Uncle , it sounds as if we 're in for something of a treat , ’ Naylor replied .
17 Would you and Karen mind standing in for me for a while ? ’
18 Smart Drive going in , the new Smart Drive p p presumably it will put my mouse driv my new mouse driver in for me for the day when I want one ?
19 ‘ I was shocked when Scot Gemmill was brought in for me at the start of last season because it came out of the blue .
20 And I 'll volunteer suggested in for me in the paper as a criterion that it also ideally should in my opinion have a the potential for railway connection given the thrust of policy a decade two decades ahead of us .
21 They will have it in for us in a big way .
22 I 'm actually going to go in for it in the Telegraph 's competition , so I may as well use the same team for our one if it gets going .
23 This unique Number 4850158 has been selected especially for you in the latest by invitation-only Hospital Plan Cash Match Prize Draw .
24 The last he had heard she had returned to Ponten VI — the planet which had been ceded to the Guild of Adjudicators in perpetuity by a wary but appreciative Earth Central — but that was too far away for anything but the so-called pigeon post ; recorded messages dumped into a hyperdrone and aimed at the recipient 's projected location .
25 ‘ He was last year about now but Easter 's late , I had n't thought on , and he 'll not move down until Palm Sunday like as not , and if he 's still over on the mountain he 'll be up Three Valleys Pass and that 's an hour and a half of a walk for him , going as the crow flies , but longer for us in the jeep because there 's no direct road — and then to get at him we 'd have to take a cart track that 'll be more like a river bed after yesterday 's rain .
26 Sergeant Kidd returned to his patrol car to answer the insistent calls coming through for him on the radio .
27 The beep in the earpiece is when you 're on the phone , either to somebody within the press , or outside the press , and another call comes through for you from the switchboard , and you 're engaged , obviously , and so they camp onto your extension number , and you receive a beep in the earpiece , now you can speak to these people if you key in R star 1 .
28 ‘ Hi , Dodgy Windows Inc here , we 've got this great special offer just for you at the reduced rate of only …
29 Well on er Monday we had some chocolate cake , yesterday we had scones cream and strawberry jam , and today we find on the desert trolley , just for you as a big treat , all this week at this time every single day on Trent F M , a little bit of something nice and naughty , but we do n't mind .
30 This can now be seen at Scotland 's only Thai restaurant , Buntom 's in Nelson Street , the proprietors having given most generously for it to the cause .
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