Example sentences of "[adv] i [verb] it in " in BNC.

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1 So I chucked it in the Tyne .
2 Nothing happened so I put it in a box without a lid and went shopping .
3 so I put it in the paper and luckily somebody came along
4 So I put it in a rock this time and it was so funny though .
5 so I drove it in my dream to the mechanic 's
6 So I knitted it in double jacquard .
7 so I paid it in the November , the second of December they announce me redundancy do n't they ?
8 Yeah , she gave me a Crunchie and I thought I bet it 's poison so I broke it in half gave them a bit , watched them eat it , gave it five minutes and then eat mine !
9 alright just shut up a minute , I 'm talking to ya , so she said afterwards oh I says that was good were n't it could n't even switch the machine on and she said it does n't matter does it , she said it 's not what happens its the way you deal with it , and I made a joke of it and I said to him oh this is good i n't it ? relax you 're in safe hands I ca n't even switch the machine on , but anyway I did it in the end and he was alright , and he said thank you very much , that was , you were very good , you were very kind , cos it is frightening and one thing I said to him do n't hold your breath , because people think when their having an E C G they 've got ta hold their breath for some reason , just lie there take a deep breath and do n't breathe again but you 've never had one so you would n't no , I 'm just going to mix this up
10 You know , I pick the kitten up I throw it in the air , catch it ,
11 Now I did it in one method and Mr Grigson did it in er in a second method , and the ability to do that changes the number of households that it would project to the er the dwellings , and cancels out , this makes judgements erm on the actual population projections based , which are estimates that have come out , I do n't necessarily believe the best measured estimates have come out for York , and have adjusted some of the figures in accordance with that .
12 Well I put it in the hall
13 Well I saw it in the last time it was in here on Central and it was n't , it did n't come on !
14 well I had it in there .
15 When I first wrote ‘ you ’ a paragraph or so ago I meant it in the general , anonymous sense , universal second person .
16 No this sheet 's from ages ago I found it in me desk when I was tidying it and er I asked me teacher if it
17 He goes , he thinks you 're , he thinks you 're so funny I ca n't I do it in music .
18 If I 'm allowed to have food , why ca n't I have it in the same cell as Elaine ? ’
19 but fortunately I put it in a folder so the folder was destroyed
20 I carried mine , then I put it in my pocket and further along the route I gave it to someone in the crowd . ’
21 I put the small boat on my shoulders and carried it to the edge of the water , then I put it in the sea .
22 Then I rode it in a in an old Burberry and I do n't how I started it , I think it was kick start .
23 Then I heard it in Coronation Street … ‘
24 If I think hard work is admirable then I seek it in others and overreact ( often on limited data ) when I think I see it in others .
25 And then I finished it in one go .
26 I 've got it back two or three times and then I failed it in the end .
27 yeah , that , that 's how I bought it in Sainsburys a few years ago
28 A sentence in the loser 's statement to the effect that ‘ the last time I saw my watch was when I put it in my locker at work ’ or ‘ I placed my purse in my shopping basket ’ shows that he had possession or control of the property ,
29 Utd ( which I was totally amazed about when I read it in the newspaper ) he seems to have settled down and appears to put in more effort .
30 There are even times when I enjoy it in a masochistic kind of way — those are the times when you are really running free , bouncing along in a relaxed and easy manner , with the mind and the body in tune .
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