Example sentences of "[adv] i [vb base] n't know " in BNC.

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1 If I settle back there 's shouting say right I do n't know her .
2 Aye , right I do n't know if you if you feel that the wee chat we 've had is any good but , because we do n't want to chat along too long
3 Right I do n't know what I do n't know I did n't have the function a formula
4 For the moment , my mother still recognises me but later on I do n't know how she 'll take it .
5 but er , I have nothing , nothing , er no actions at all which is mysterious to me , I , why nothing 's going on I do n't know .
6 Erm you might have you might st start thinking I do n't know what he 's getting on I do n't know what this is all about .
7 Come on I do n't know .
8 Having put a jumper on I do n't know where to clip the blinking microphone now .
9 But you know , here , in this place , in Haileybury alone , when you get out of here fine cos no one 's gon na know that you have this name , you know , for being a joke erm when you get out of here it 'll be completely different but here you should keep your wits about you , in here you should think well hang on I do n't know , just be more careful .
10 Well er as I say , I 've always been a union member but then when I was self-employed it was different and I kept me fees up for a , to somewhere I do n't know what it was , but er when er yes , when er I was coming to come on me own and I went down the locksmith 's to see about it and they said er , what did they say now , they said you could n't do that , whatever it was , and er we 'll have to do this and that and the other .
11 Mind you they must go somewhere I do n't know where , cos we never pick them up
12 Dad , dad , Auntie has to go somewhere I do n't know where , but she just told me to call you cos it 's quarter past fifteen minutes past six or is it seven ?
13 I , I would like to support this Chair , and it 's a relatively small amount , especially I do n't know how much it would , it would cost , but erm , Andy the er , District Youth Officer , did produce er , er , a very much in-depth report erm , to the last of the Southern Area Youth Advisory Committee , erm , showing erm , how much demarcation er , the , the , the actual river does produce , and is very much a relatively deprived area , and I , I think for the amount of money that 's involved here , I think in view of what he said then , I do n't know the area at all , but er , I , I think he would be erm , very impressed with it .
14 But the price of the now critically needed boiler is over £2,300 and the loo , which leaked , is also necessary so needs must — and in fact the Festival people are daughter of an old friend of Mummy 's — though oddly enough I do n't know her .
15 Only I do n't know how I should set about finding a home , let alone one that she would be happy in . ’
16 Only I do n't know who to tell .
17 Only I do n't know about you , but we 're very busy people . ’
18 Well , it makes a very good tale , only I do n't know if I could remember any of it ’ He beamed on Taliesin , and then said in an aside to Fribble that he had never yet heard of a Tyrian who did n't judge his wine remarkably well .
19 The only thing I only I do n't know all the names of some of the people .
20 question alone I do n't know whether the officers would want to respond to that last comment first .
21 ‘ No , to be truthful , that 's what I told him , but deep down I do n't know .
22 But what would have happened to him if he 'd not taken the cattle down I do n't know .
23 Well whatever it , I would like to do after this , my discussion with them on Thursday I may bring it down I do n't know what way , what they 're going to throw in cos I wo n't be
24 If it 's not written down I do n't know when they 've had or what they 've had , you 'll have to write it down and put a date on it .
25 Actually the little red light is flickering up and down I do n't know
26 To begin with there was a pause at the door , but a pause of perhaps I do n't know , one or two seconds at the most .
27 but then again I 'd rather just let them get on with it I 'm not trying to convert you to the better way of doing things , cos obviously I do n't know a whether there 's
28 If you listened Mark without interrupting , I was just about to say I 'm not trying to convert into a better way of doing things because obviously I do n't know whether that 's a different , a better way of doing it , what I said It 's a just a
29 She 's only just moved to Berlin so I do n't know much about her — these provincials …
30 Well , who did n't ? who would n't ? but she 's never cottoned on to me , and so I do n't know whether or not she 's told you … oh , to put it plainly , I had to give her her marching orders . ’
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