Example sentences of "[adv] it could [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Suppose the tendon had stretched for so long it could n't tauten , or the muscle was shrunk so dry its tiny capillaries were flat and empty .
2 If you put the bottom on wheel , put some wheels on the bottom of the ladder so it could n't fall because of the bottom , then it would still stay there because on the floor would be the bit of grip from the top .
3 So you would n't have had any , so it could n't have been the tablets doing that
4 So it could n't have been you that told him that er and were associates .
5 Indoors it could n't have been more different .
6 Thus it could not compete with Lancashire , and rigid protection of the home market became the creed of all Catalan industrialists .
7 Culture thus transcends the lives of its living exponents in any one generation : if it did not it could not survive .
8 Oh well it could n't have been carried because it was long di I do n't know how cos I ca n't remember .
9 Surely it could n't apply to her ?
10 Surely it could not take this long to gather up a few baskets of food ?
11 it might not help , but at least it could n't hurt .
12 Miss Golightly said she has left the car in the back lane behind her house but only late at night when it could not have caused an obstruction .
13 ‘ When the company reached the point where it could n't meet its liabilities I was called in to wind the business up . ’
14 The fire should be extinguished , or reduced to a condition where it could not recur , within 8 to 10 minutes from ignition .
15 Psychoanalytic theory reached a point where it could not account for all the observations made within the analytic setting , nor for the murdering impulses shown in mankind 's historical and cultural development .
16 Ministers once again ducked the question of recognising Macedonia , even though Lord Carrington is believed to have said there was no practical reason why it could not go ahead .
17 Mr Michael Grade , the channel 's chief executive , yesterday called on the Government to explain why it could not trust ITC appointments .
18 While Adorno confines this category to ‘ serious ’ music , Paddison points out that there seems no reason why it could not include a good deal of avant-garde jazz and such rock groups as Frank Zappa 's Mothers of Invention the Velvet Underground , and — he might have added — some post-punk bands .
19 The big question was why it could not have been called something else altogether : Great North Large Tract of Land , for example .
20 There is no reason why it could n't have been invented at almost any time in the previous century — it used no new scientific knowledge , no new materials , and no new technology .
21 Certainly it could not find a place within the great authoritarian scheme by which Christian society was ordered .
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