Example sentences of "[adv] it [be] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore it was suggested to her mother that Kim 's activity and feeding the baby always took place in the same room so that her mother could provide verbal prompts and on-going comments .
2 Apparently it was circulated to senior managers in East Sussex on 1 April .
3 Perhaps it was attached to the great Frankish emperor originally , for one variant of the tale names the sleeping king as ‘ Charles ’ .
4 It looked tiny , no more than an emergency shelter , which of course was all it was intended to be .
5 So it is cut to the finest as far as the females are concerned .
6 Oh yes anything that happened down the glen or way was heard that from the pack man so it was bound to be true .
7 However , because they had been unemployed , they had not earned enough money in the previous three years to qualify for the mature student allowance , and so it was denied to them .
8 So it was designed to be attractive to look at , but with curves , ovals and an absence of straight lines to make it difficult to swim in .
9 Another favourite to go out early on was Kevin Mitchell who retired at Portrush on lap one so it was left to Brian Reid , Alan Patterson , and Alan Irwin to carry the main challenge to Dunlop along with Milling and Lougher .
10 so it was left to the hardy annual of the clash of dates , although I for one never fully believed this to be a valid argument .
11 At full charge , the 216 cells provided the B.E.M.U. with a range of about 100 miles and so it was restricted to one round trip per day over the branch line .
12 Thus it is referred to , as is customarily the case , as a set of standard conditions of sale .
13 Thus it is sought to subject public power to the Rule of Law .
14 It is not made clear whether or not it is intended to be exhaustive .
15 Weapon is given a wide definition under section 2 of the Canadian Criminal Code and includes ‘ anything that is designed to be used as a weapon or anything that a person uses or intends to use as a weapon , whether or not it is designed to be used as a weapon . ’
16 The social value attached to a salient feature — in particular , if it is part of a stereotype — may be important in determining whether or not it is accommodated to .
17 It is not it was given to me by a nice gentleman from Napier College doing
18 Finally it 's fed to a pair of Marshall 4x12s loaded with EV speakers .
19 Finally it was put to the vote , and while I can not recall the actual figures it was something like forty in favour of the UK proposal , about thirty abstentions and just one ( Bulgaria ! ) against .
20 Usually it is assumed to be FALSE .
21 Moreover it was confined to members of the Labour Party , its first rule stating that " all members are expected to become individual members of their constituency Labour Parties " .
22 Ideal ideog ideologically it was committed to a nation where private property was abolished .
23 Not unnaturally it was handed to me , now being officially outside the Ministère and a recognised arms dealer .
24 By traditional I mean that it was founded on a growing interpretation of the past , not that tradition was swallowed hook , line and sinker — indeed , in some cases it was turned upside down — but always it was referred to , re-explained .
25 Before the Duke 's canal was completed in 1765 , coal had sold in Manchester at double its pit-head price ; thereafter it was halved to threepence farthing a hundredweight .
26 The United States thus finds itself in a no-win situation : the more it is seen to be intervening against him , the more it is likely to reinforce his position .
27 ‘ When we started off it was meant to be a serious underground label and we thought we 'd just do a couple of thousand .
28 Hence it was reduced to relative impotence when the radicalism of the French Revolution strengthened the forces of resistance in the government itself .
29 ‘ The recent change from Madam to Madame , ’ she said , ‘ though it has doubtless raised the tone and general tenor of proceedings in this low and benighted place , has not quite succeeded in erasing the traces of squalor and indeed sleaze which cling to that title in the popular or gutter imagination whenever it is applied to a hard-working woman .
30 A very good theory will be one that makes very wide-ranging claims about the world , and which is consequently highly falsifiable , and is one that resists falsification whenever it is put to the test .
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