Example sentences of "[adv] their [noun] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It creates space within the Church from which they can carry on their ministry for up to 20 years . ’
2 On the one hand , long serving committee members complain that they ca n't find anyone to take on their work after perhaps years of occupying their post .
3 The 15 most heavily indebted developing countries ( see p. 37017 ) in 1988 as a group increased the surplus of their merchandise exports over their imports to nearly dollars 28,000 million ; the dollar value of their exports rose above the 1981 peak for the first time since the onset of the Third-World debt service problem , although the GATT report pointed out that this trade performance needed to be seen against the background of rising interest charges and continued lack of fresh capital inflows .
4 The great advantage which officers of East Indiamen possessed over their counterparts in less favoured ships was their customary right to own a certain proportion of the cargo carried , and to sell that share at the end of the voyage for their own profit .
5 Flanked by two enormous screens which depict various hazy hallucinatory effects , they easy their way in gradually , seemingly unperturbed by the presence of MC Wayne , whose contribution to the evening 's entertainment can at best be described as ‘ minimal ’ .
6 Flanked by two enormous screens which depict various hazy hallucinatory effects , they easy their way in gradually , seemingly unperturbed by the presence of MC Wayne , whose contribution to the evening 's entertainment can at best be described as ‘ minimal ’ .
7 They broke off their colloquy at once , postponing all that they had to ask and to answer .
8 This was one of the changes initially seen under the Republic : the capture of Jamaica in 1655 opened up a new road which encouraged rulers in the second half of the century to go forward and force other European powers to give up their lands on almost the whole of the North American coastline .
9 There have been occasions this season when Quakers have taken the lead and then sloppily folded ; but this time the players rolled up their sleeves to jealously protect the three points .
10 John Warnock and Chuck Geschke of Adobe both worked for Xerox at the Palo Alto Research Centre where PDLs were invented and set up their company to commercially exploit the concepts they had helped develop .
11 More massive stars would need to be hotter to balance their stronger gravitational attraction , making the nuclear fusion reactions proceed so much more rapidly that they would use up their hydrogen in as little as a hundred million years .
12 ‘ Councillors are not going to give up their responsibility for how money is spent , ’ says Roycroft .
13 People might take 50 or 60 years to make up their minds on how they wished to live their lives , he went on .
14 ‘ I would hope that between now and polling day those people would make up their mind to actually vote , not out of habit , but for us .
15 ‘ I would hope that between now and polling day those people would make up their mind to actually vote , not out of habit , but for us .
16 Finding the courtyard full , latecomers were taking up their stations in perfectly straight ranks first on the steps , then in the roads leading up to the mosque , then out in the gardens and bazaars beyond .
17 Eight clubs from the North-Western Federation attended and were busy putting up their stalls by 8.00am .
18 Trouble began when loyalist prisoners refused to lock up their cells at around 8.30pm .
19 Even if there was no risk whatsoever of your friend defaulting , most people would be totally unwilling to tie up their savings for so long .
20 Our sun has probably got enough fuel for another five thousand million years or so , but more massive stars can use up their fuel in as little as one hundred million years , much less than the age of the universe .
21 What issues do parents and children face as the children go to school and live out their lives in widely different communities and within very different kinship relationships .
22 News of the two games came as Tottenham announced they had wiped out their debts by finally banking almost £6m from the Italians for the gifted Gascoigne .
23 Some of the Halifaxes from 10 and 35 Squadrons carried out their attacks at very low level , from a height of about 350 ‘ ft ‘ .
24 But they were unable to spin out their game for long ; impatience got the better of them and they returned the puppy , which stood shivering under its mother 's tongue as she licked it clean of foreign influences .
25 On Sunday road and off-road competitors get the opportunity to put forward their ideas on how the sport could be improved in 1994 .
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