Example sentences of "[adv] say that [pers pn] will " in BNC.

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1 I note that , unlike the Labour party , when the hon. Gentleman 's party advocates increased public spending , it is at least honest enough to say that it will put up the basic rate of tax .
2 Of the most famous of all bird books , John James Audubon 's Birds of America ( 1827–38 ) , I will only say that you will need to sell some fifteen or sixteen of your collection of Shakespeare First Folios in order to buy it .
3 Just say that you will marry me . ’
4 In the legislation the Government have not said that they will support only one form of buy-out and no other .
5 With the help of Opposition Members , who have generously said that they will help , we hope to see the Bill on the statute book as soon as possible .
6 The two-year moratorium is not binding , and Britain , which is responsible for 90 per cent of all radioactive waste dumped at sea , has already said that it will not comply with the ban .
7 The academy has already said that it will consider the proposition only if the government provides continuing support to operate and maintain the facility , which the report estimates would require DF17 million ( US$4 million ) a year .
8 We all know that there is some disturbance outside — you have already said that you will make a statement on that — but it is unusual for the doors not to be locked by this stage in a Division .
9 I 'm not saying that he will get it wrong or that he 'll lose you the money , but that 's the responsibility of .
10 Yeah I 'm just saying that it will be ready next term .
11 What we are saying , and this is as a result of figures which are supplied by O P C S is that we are broadly saying that we will remain in this narrow band towards the end .
12 This is not to say that his will be an entirely popular tenure of the DTI .
13 This is not to say that I will desert the club I love at the first opportunity .
14 This is not to say that you will never deflect the opponent 's attack and then counter , because you will .
15 Who can he not say that it will be extended ?
16 People also always say that it will ‘ distract ’ a team from the league .
17 Brutus also says that he will also kill himself with the same sword as he killed Caesar with , when the country wishes him to .
18 The government has repeatedly said that it will not switch civil material to military use .
19 The company also said that it will continue with its application to the Department of Trade and Industry to operate a ‘ personal communications network ’ , which is expected to present the same opportunities in the next decade as cellular mobile radio is doing in this .
20 The Minister has now said that it will be another seven years before everyone crossing the channel on holiday will be carried as safely as possible .
21 The Minister has now said that he will not even publish the report .
22 Netwise says that it will provide future migration support to DCE as well as a new product , scheduled for announcement next quarter , to provide interoperability between ONC and DCE applications .
23 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp now says that it will spend more than $17,200m — that 's what it translates to — a year to connect every home and office in Japan to its fibre-optic Integrated Services Digital Network by the year 2015 ; it started on the network in 1985 .
24 The opposition now says that it will use the councils it has won to agitate for the dismantling of Mr Jayewardene 's centralist vision .
25 Seymour Cray now says that it will be marketed as a front-end to enhance massively parallel processors , in the hope that the combination will appeal to scientists whose problems are too complex for a massively parallel computer alone to solve .
26 A curious situation has emerged in which the Khmer Rouge guerrillas , who boycotted the election , are now saying that they will resume the war if the CPP , their most-hated enemy , does not respect the results .
27 Please say that you will agree , will at least let me try to earn my own living , find out if I am strong enough to do so — not go back to being useless , merely a symbol of Papa 's wealth , not really his or your daughter . ’
28 So sure is Berkeley of the ultimate impossibility of this abstraction that he even says that he will let his whole case rest on it .
29 Well said that it will be a sm a really small building society .
30 He knows that Grampian regional council is bound by statute to say how much it got from the sale ; it can not simply say that it will not tell anyone .
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