Example sentences of "[adv] say [prep] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Casting this imagery into the past , the tree is also said to be the place where ‘ our tribe and its customs began ’ .
2 It is also said to be the largest UK supplier of Unix and open systems training , and ICL says it is the first company to receive accreditation from Unix International Inc for its portfolio of Unix courses .
3 Glastonbury is also said to be the Isle of Avalon where Arthur sleeps .
4 The oak tree in the grounds at Alfoxden , traditionally said to be the ‘ huge oak tree ’ mentioned in part one of Coleridge 's poem ‘ Christabel ’
5 The quality of ‘ capture ’ which is often said to be the major aim of the department becomes another ‘ lip service ’ to the outside world , although once again the symbolic content of this truth is multi-vocal .
6 Built in 1814 , it is 72 feet high , and is often said to be the tallest windmill in the country , though that honour properly belongs to a tower mill at Sutton ( q.v. ) in Norfolk .
7 I know that such experiences are often said to be the result of the individuals concerned having read a book or article or seen a film or television programme about the particular place and then having forgotten that they have done so .
8 Beta has a B8-type spectrum , and is about 100 times as luminous as the Sun ; it is often said to be the only naked-eye star which is greenish in colour , though I have never noted this either with or without optical aid , and to me Beta always looks white .
9 The pride of Patrington is the nationally known St Patrick 's church , often said to be the most beautiful parish church in England , and locally known as ‘ the Queen of Holderness ’ .
10 It was even said to be the Nepenthe described by Homer which , when taken with wine , brought absolute forgetfulness .
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