Example sentences of "[adv] say that [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 Helen asked no questions about Chris , only saying that it had been a lovely evening and Moira was still talking about the tinned peaches and jelly .
2 Carrie asked them anxiously , and they only said that they had not seen him without saying how ridiculous the question was .
3 You yourself were good enough to say that I had earned some leave , and I want to take it . "
4 On another occasion a client rang in to say that he had left an extremely expensive bottle of perfume on the plane .
5 It was widely said that he had long resented the Shah 's great oil wealth and the independence that it gave him .
6 Well just say and just say that I had a bit of a ba an and I 'd like a check over that 's all just say that to them if you want alright ?
7 It does n't actually say I I I was just looking , it does n't s seems to go up to September nineteen eighty six but not to say that he had escaped from prison .
8 He complained to Donaldson , who coolly said that he had not heard about the delegation , but if he was invited he would join it .
9 Henry Tyler would not have described her as a happy woman , but afterward he could not say that she had seemed at all unwell .
10 He could not say that he had scruples of conscience for not joining in the military training .
11 He said , as all drivers say , that when he ceased to enjoy racing , he would stop ; he did not say that he had stopped enjoying it , it was simply evident .
12 I did not say that I had irrefutable evidence .
13 Could she not say that it had been her own choice to leave the Longhills , that they were not suited to one another ?
14 ‘ Well , let's just say that they had some strange beliefs .
15 Let's just say that I had a lot of time to learn things — about survival in terrible times , and camouflage , and new ways of living .
16 Can I just say that I had figured four hundred million it is in fact four fifty .
17 Can I just say that I had figured four hundred million , it is in fact four fifty .
18 Sally-Anne had finished putting her things down , and was feeling enormously hungry as well as thirsty — Papa had once said that she had an appetite as indecent as his own , and the wonder was that neither of them ever put any weight on !
19 They further said that they had received no formal complaint from Ahmed Ashraf .
20 The Conservative Government always said that we had to create wealth first , and then improve our public services .
21 Not so ! always said that he had enjoyed his time at Kirkcaldy and at the lunch he underlined that sentiment .
22 We always said that he had a yellow belly !
23 ‘ I always said that I had to put my medical career before my rugby , but the new job will not force me to retire because my colleagues are so supportive and helpful . ’
24 AT&T Co yesterday said that it had filed an application with the UK regulatory authorities to challenge British Telecommunications Plc by offering communications services within the UK , and between the UK and the US .
25 Mr Major then angrily turned on Labour leader John Smith : ‘ There was a time when the leader of the Opposition once said that he had always believed that Britain 's future lay in Europe , and we must take a confident and leading role in the Community .
26 In a very Vincent-like move he wrote home to say that he had had to buy two secondhand pairs of trousers and two coats , as well as underwear and shoes .
27 Paul himself after decades of knowing Christ could still say that he had not attained the purpose for which Christ laid hold of him ; he was still following on ( Phil .
28 He was regarded on both sides of the House not only as charming , but as very honest and courageous , and I think that we can genuinely say that he had friendships on both sides .
29 Ironically enough the Independent later said that they had been ‘ used ’ in this sorry episode !
30 Barth himself later said that he had been like a man who , tripping in the darkness of the church tower , had accidentally caught hold of the bell-rope to steady himself and alarmed the whole countryside .
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