Example sentences of "[adv] as it [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Once Baldwin 's decision was made , the right-wing plot collapsed as suddenly as it had grown up and , as always after prolonged but successful mental strain , he felt free .
2 But his words had deflated Robbie 's anger as suddenly as it had blown up .
3 Then , just as suddenly as it had appeared , it dived , sliding back into the earth at an immense speed .
4 It fell silent as suddenly as it had begun .
5 But just as suddenly as it had begun all this ended three years later , leaving the halls deserted .
6 The beating ceased , as suddenly as it had begun .
7 He thought for a moment that it might be some kind of game , that their running would cease as suddenly as it had begun , that they 'd stand like statues on the sand , waiting for him to catch up with them .
8 It died as suddenly as it had risen .
9 The mortaring stopped just as suddenly as it had started , and it was quiet again .
10 Then it cut off as suddenly as it had started .
11 When we actually reached the reef , with calm water erupting into foaming waves twenty feet high as they hit the rocks , the Mantela bucked like a frightened horse , sank into a trough , reared up again , and then , as suddenly as it had started , the old tub was through the creamy foam of the passage and had settled into the lazy waters of the lagoon .
12 I was buried alive , the pummelling stopped as suddenly as it had started , I heaved myself up and the earth and muck fell off me .
13 The pain had left as suddenly as it had come , except for a small reminder in her back .
14 Hari 's wash of hurt pride and anger vanished as suddenly as it had come , though she realized that Craig 's words were no more than flattery .
15 I could sense Lili turning her head to look at me , but the urge to talk , to confess , had left me as suddenly as it had come .
16 His arm waggled , as if he were groping for something , and then his hand appeared as softly and suddenly as it had vanished : holding the fifth ball .
17 Lacuna 's anger had disappeared as suddenly as it had arrived .
18 However , as Ketamine lacks the euphoric and social properties that led o the widespread use of MDMA , the drug is likely to disappear as suddenly as it seems to have emerged .
19 Life went on at home much as it had done for years .
20 Why not go along with Luke 's expansive mood for just so long as it took to finish her drink ?
21 He said the atmosphere at each gathering had been one of calm , loving concern , and this would continue for as long as it took to get the children home .
22 ‘ Again , I lived with Mike for as long as it took to get the divorce and then I arranged the wedding .
23 A spokesman said the seven Kurds released from Haslar detention centre , near Gosport , Hampshire , and all 18 from Gloucester Prison were given temporary admission ‘ for as long as it takes to assess their cases ’ .
24 With its inflation still rising , the country on the verge of a perilous wage-price spiral and public finances deeply in the red , the Bundesbank has made it clear that it will keep the German economy locked in a vice of high interest rates for as long as it takes to squeeze out inflation .
25 He said that was last Friday , oh I said I was filling my timesheet in and my expense sheet , not that long , I said well it takes as long as it takes do n't it ?
26 The heating is switched on only for as long as it takes to dry the washing .
27 So long as it had appeared to be an alternative force to the Labour party , he kept clear .
28 When human life could be expected to last two or three times as long as it had done in the Middle Ages , great changes were bound to occur in the way men thought about themselves .
29 There 's also a guy called Ron Tyson who collects every magazine article ever written about Hendrix … so long as it 's got Hendrix on the front cover .
30 I do n't care if it 's a rubbish route so long as it 's got an E-number .
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