Example sentences of "[adv] his [noun sg] [conj] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Having done so , Sykes took down his rod and prepared to make a dash for it , when through the storm he noticed two small boys .
2 Harry quaffed down his ale and called to Marion Treffry for more .
3 He moved to the small table , put down his glass and searched in his pockets for his cigarettes .
4 In the dim orange glow from the street lights , she saw a solitary tear trickle down his cheek and run into his hair .
5 At this , the sorely-tried husband had broken into such cries of frustration and wrath that the good doctor had thrust aside his plate and gone out into the hall to discover what all the hullabaloo was about .
6 He slipped off his stool and backed away from the theremin stand .
7 as if he , too , was perplexed , the man frowned , then he lifted off his helmet and peeled away the balaclava .
8 Corbett , aching , soaking wet and nauseous from his rough ride was pulled off his horse and bundled along the side of the donjon keep .
9 In 1613 , therefore , he gave up his Fellowship and left for the Continent in the suite of the Princess Elizabeth , who had just married the Elector Frederick of the Rhine .
10 And with that he picked up his pen and returned to his paperwork , dismissing her .
11 In an attempt to further his rugby career , McKenzie loaded up his car and headed north to Sydney and arrived at Randwick .
12 Rising from his sturdy wooden bench , Bash blew out his candle and made towards his bed .
13 After several warnings he was called to the front of the class , told to hold out his hand and caned by Miss Smith with the flat of a foot ruler .
14 Then his father returned to England , sought out his son and deemed that he , too , should study law .
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