Example sentences of "[adv] we [modal v] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I mean it is a possibility , and if he 's going to be awkward perhaps we 'll have to just make sure that we do that , which is presumably fairly easy , if the post goes out from the same office .
2 Obviously we would have to be prepared to see the potentates who control the club to obtain permission to work in it .
3 So we 'll have to I think keep going back to these throughout the year and saying , Are we erm are we doing it
4 Anyway we 'll have to , I think , revisit those nine points as w as we go on because that 's
5 We 'd done it — but now we 'd have to be friendly with the little swine !
6 Mm well we 'll have to we 'll have to start
7 Well we 'll have to , to , but we 've got C S M T the next day anyway .
8 Well he 's got to ring Mr and see if he if he really pushes for a month 's notice well we 'll have to just pay another month and stay you know ?
9 well we 'll have to , I 'll have to go and erm get this dinner going because erm , we 've got to leave about well we want , well we want to leave for about twenty past five then
10 I do n't suppose the Germans have forgotten how to advance , and if they do it again tomorrow we shall have to leant something new , wo n't we ? ’
11 Shall we just look in here and then we 'll have for lunch ?
12 Th well then we 'd have to we 'd have to present it .
13 then we 'd have to be back for eleven , ca n't , I do n't know what 's gon na happen to the dog
14 Office , who are setting up a permanent acid rain monitor as well , so then we 'd have to , so then I 've got to get back in touch with that person .
15 Or something like that , then we could have of , we could have redefined this , this new word and we would n't have had these awful confusions that we get .
16 She said : ‘ We had lots of walks together , lots of tea parties on Sunday afternoons at Sunninghill ( the home near Ascot which was a wedding present to the Yorks ) , and lots of other moments when we could have at least started discussions .
17 Alright and if we ca n't find anyway where we 'll have to out and come back here .
18 I cant see why we would have to be more careful even if we were ‘ official ’ .
19 Ideally we would have between 25 and 30 Specials based here . ’
20 Ideally we would have between 25 and 30 Specials based here . ’
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