Example sentences of "[adv] in the [adj] [det] " in BNC.

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1 According to s.6 , as amended by the FSA 1986 , the practice of price stabilisation ( ie. trading activities geared towards stabilising share prices , especially in the first few months of an issue ) , if done in conformity with the rules made under s.48 of the FSA 1986 , can take place despite the fact that such activities would ordinarily be in breach of the insider dealing prohibitions .
2 For example , there is enough material in a glass of water to run a car for ten years , enough in the top few centimetres of Lake Erie to power New York State for a similar time and enough in the oceans to keep us going indefinitely .
3 When the engagements are abroad , I work feverishly in the last few days and nights to create a reasonably finished piece of work — just in case we crash .
4 So , although the Bolsheviks did not start the inflationary process , they were unable to stop it either , despite their wish to do so in the first few months of Soviet rule .
5 So in the past few years since Big Bang we have seen dealers chasing every hare , especially since dealing volumes declined and firms have been more desperate to do business .
6 So in the past few weeks Mr Yavlinsky , Vladimir Shcherbakov , the Soviet minister in charge of economics , and Yevgeny Primakov , an aide to Mr Gorbachev , have all visited America trying to work out the terms of an aid-for-economic-reform package .
7 So in the past few hundred years Europe has been , as Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak has suggested , constituted and consolidated as ‘ sovereign subject , indeed sovereign and subject ’ .
8 So in the past few years , I have given a speech which has has drawn attention to the the deficit on our General Fund and our need for continued care , to reduce the deficit .
9 Rio Tinto has bought into all the mines only in the past few years ; and it has its sights set on expansion .
10 About a mile away , at Sheridan Circle , our director , the former Chilean foreign minister Orlando Leteleir and Ronni Moffitt , an institute worker , were killed in October 1976 by a car bomb planted by right-wing Cubans in the pay of the Pinochet secret police : only in the past few months has the Chilean government paid compensation to their families .
11 It is only in the past few years that a good understanding of these types of collision has emerged , and it is only a year since Tiesinga et al .
12 It 's only in the last few years that everyone has begun talking seriously about fibre in diet , although those who have always eaten a breakfast that includes all-bran have known for years about the virtues of fibre .
13 Only in the last few pages is cosmology mentioned explicitly , although Hubble was deeply interested in it .
14 Although the pied flycatcher 's adultery has been known about since 1950 , it is only in the last few years that the scientist Rauno Alatalo and his colleagues , studying pied flycatchers in Sweden , have begun to unravel the finer details .
15 Its origins are disguised by its huge cob , and only in the last few years has genetic analysis teased out the whole truth about its humble cereal ancestry .
16 Only in the last few months of his pontificate , before his promotion to York , did Bothe recognize the duke 's local interests by appointing ducal servants to office within the bishopric , not only at Crayke ( which lay within the duke 's sphere of influence in the forest of Galtres ) , but within County Durham itself , where Gloucester 's retainer John Redmane was made bailiff of Bishop Auckland .
17 And I mean there has been up until fairly recently , it 's only in the last few years that relations have tended to get a bit better .
18 Only in the last few years have real efforts been made to equalize provision for different groups of the disabled and there is still a long way to go before we can claim to have adequate social security in this area .
19 It is only in the last few years , then , that new IT , mainly in the form of the microcomputer , has started to play a part in formal education .
20 Thomas died in December , but it is only in the last few days that Scotland Yard has received information from the FBI about why he was killed .
21 He was a fan of the BCR though he came to know it only in the last few years of its life .
22 Historically , world society has become a believable idea only in the last few hundred years , and science , technology , industry , and universal values are creating a twentieth century world that is different from any past age .
23 Only in the last few months of his pontificate , before his promotion to York , did Bothe recognize the duke 's local interests by appointing ducal servants to office within the bishopric , not only at Crayke ( which lay within the duke 's sphere of influence in the forest of Galtres ) , but within County Durham itself , where Gloucester 's retainer John Redmane was made bailiff of Bishop Auckland .
24 But it is only in the last few weeks that news of Kevin 's death has reached American troops still in the Middle East .
25 But in Latin America , even the crudest indicators such as per capita GNP , or gross national product ( which takes no account of wealth distribution ) show that people 's incomes have actually gone down in the last few years and their health , education and nutrition have gone down with them .
26 There seems little chance of one of the party 's senior professionals stepping down in the next few months to create a by-election for the Tory chairman .
27 ‘ Acid house was nothing to what 's in store , ’ he says , and Danny nods excitedly in agreement : ‘ Who knows what 's going to come along in the next few years ? ’
28 Murray bought his compass and they walked on together , beginning the skein of meaningless jokes and catchwords which was to bind them together in the next few weeks .
29 ‘ She has worked harder than all the others put together in the past few years .
30 At the same time energy is lost from rotational degrees of freedom , by collisions during the expansion , and samples often end up almost entirely in the lowest few rotational levels , so that only a few transitions are observed in the spectrum .
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