Example sentences of "[adv] in [pron] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Picking her up gently in his mouth he carried her back home , sweeping her flamboyantly over the threshold and into their new abode — his cosy old basket in the corner of the kitchen !
2 Perhaps in her company you fade psychologically — you are so used to believing that she is more attractive that you cease to believe in your own abilities .
3 Perhaps in his way he was the sort of cricketer I would like to have been if I had possessed the talent .
4 Perhaps in my blood I really knew that up there — ‘
5 No doubt you will wish to say ‘ Goodbye ’ to all your many friends and colleagues in industry and Government , so please feel free to do so in whatever way you feel appropriate . ’
6 I 'd read of automatic writing so in my grief I tried it , spending many hours holding a felt-tip pen over paper .
7 So in my view it is a relevant consideration at the structure plan level .
8 The fundamental one in an investigation of this kind is that we do not need to accept any prior assumption about how society at large is organized or structured , and so in our interpretation we do not need to import any presuppositions from theories of social class and social structure or taxonomies of class or status , which may of course be controversial .
9 Like the captured enemy patrol , Grant and Larsen were dressed from head to foot in dark clothing , only in their case it was less military in style .
10 What makes it possible to ask meaningfully in respect of a given existent not only in what way it qualitatively differs from any other type of existent , but what makes it numerically , existentially unique ?
11 ‘ An inch , perhaps two , under six foot , every bit as large as his father , only in his case it 's muscle , not fat .
12 I 've been having discussions too , only in my case they 've been with the Hughes family who run Cheshire Restaurants .
13 ‘ We did a Watergate , ’ Otley explained , ‘ only in our case it was a Boilermakers Union Housegate , the old union headquarters .
14 And down in her oarlock I stowed my job boom .
15 But down in our trench we could take it .
16 the times I 've been done down in my life it 's been mainly by the white people !
17 Then , when I come to do my illustrations , I can put the sections together in whatever combination I like , and come up with a castle of my own . ’
18 and I do n't know if we want to agree to that straightaway in which case we get on to the next item .
19 As he looked down to put his pistol away in its holster I noticed that his face had changed .
20 No that 's right , but er I think that progressively in our society we 've seen er a lowering of the standards in terms of what 's acceptable for children to read .
21 There was a mirror above in whose reflection she saw Ted Tipper advance down the corridor and meet face to face with the police .
22 If a file is not in its sling you need to be able to locate it , particularly if it is required for an audit .
23 Urmston 's not in our book you see .
24 Not in our time I do n't think .
25 If it is not in your library you may have to use inter-library loan , if this service is available to you .
26 I was singing it in , not in my feet I was going I was me going to do all the words
27 So I said well not in my area you have n't .
28 Downstairs in our reception we have a community tank that I 've mentioned many times .
29 It 's not just in my area they 're all over the place in Scotland as well , so
30 I mean she was just in our department you see .
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