Example sentences of "[adv] a [noun] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 He had only a daughter to succeed him and his son-in-law turned out to be a second Michael Chambre , who after Lath 's death ‘ let loose the reins to many disorderly courses , as cocking , raseing , drinking and lewdnesse ’ , so that he too finally lost all and sold Balderton to Robert Hayward , a local yeoman .
2 Or had all his compliments and charm , so convincing at the time , been just a charade to get him what he wanted ?
3 ‘ I bet hardly a soul noticed him , ’ said Pascoe .
4 He was seen twice near the village of Langley Park on Saturday night , and yesterday a woman noticed him on the busy A167 dual carriageway on the outskirts of Durham City about 10 miles from Lanchester .
5 The most moving moment came during a trip to Universal Studios when an orang-utan leapt off a stage to hug him .
6 ‘ Well , I 've decided to stay on a bit to settle him . ’
7 Later a woman brought him a plate of bacon and eggs and a cup of tea , but said it was no good making a fuss now , it was too late .
8 ‘ Frank , for Christ 's sake … ’ he began , but Gregson held up a hand to silence him .
9 Turner made to speak , but Curtis held up a hand to stop him .
10 In the confusion of the moment she agreed and led the way upstairs , wishing she had dreamed up a reason to turn him away .
11 They took nearly an hour to sort him out .
12 Culley half-rose , but Cattini put out a hand to stop him , and glanced back at the barman who lifted a bottle and dug a highball glass into an ice-container .
13 Peter lashed out at his brother , missed , stumbled and would have fallen if Marc had n't shot out a hand to stop him .
14 She nodded , reached out a hand to usher him inside .
15 Manescu put out a hand to halt him .
16 She was at the wicket before him , and because the yard was dark , put out a hand to guide him within .
17 She longed to reach out a hand to comfort him , but her muscles refused to obey her brain .
18 Polls had until recently shown support for Mr Patten but now a majority wants him to back down .
19 When he was a young fighter , a doctor had to chase him around a desk to give him a shot , and chaotic mobility to him is at least as important as breathing .
20 One might ask why this sudden change occurred , and whether there was a change of attitude by Gillray , perhaps even a conversion pushing him from critic to defender of monarchy .
21 He has a brother in Devon and a sister in Manchester and his mother travels from Exeter twice a year to visit him at the centre where she attends the pujas the daily services .
22 Twice a squall bowled him into the water as he followed the shore round .
23 It took me quite a while to convince him that my being with you was because I was trying to persuade you to — ’
24 I did not venture to express my opinion , fearing that my taste might have become corrupted by my long residence in the Indies ; but since my companion had recently come from France , it was quite a relief to hear him say that he had seen nothing in Europe quite so bold and majestic . ’
25 And it was quite a sight to see him in flight , for he sped straight as a pole ; inclined , if anything , backwards ; but his great neck thrusting , a ginger balance , for one thrust too far and he would have all come tumbling down .
26 Quite a coup to have him working on your house , is n't it ?
27 If it be a duty imposed by law upon a party regularly subpoenaed to attend from time to time to give his evidence then a promise to give him any remuneration for loss of time incurred in such attendance is a promise without consideration .
28 Then a thought struck him .
29 Mr McWhirter began a painful right turn , but then a thought struck him .
30 " He used to travel in prahus as a young man , then a guru told him that one day he would die by water .
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