Example sentences of "[adv] a [noun] on the " in BNC.

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1 After the depression of the late nineteenth century Argentina was very much a country on the move in the first three decades of the twentieth .
2 The initial débâcle was as much a comment on the inability of society — as of the Red Army — to withstand the blow directed against it .
3 The coroner took evidence only of the discovery of the body and of the cause of death — apparently a blow on the head .
4 A few weeks of residential treatment are merely a scratch on the surface of the disease — but it is a deep scratch and it may help many more sufferers into recovery than might otherwise be successful through depending upon the AnonymouS Fellowships alone .
5 Daniel slapped down a florin on the counter and caught the landlord 's eye .
6 Did the girl from Aberdeen really say , " Och , no , not on the table ! " as my father flattened a bluebottle with his hand , and did he really put down a newspaper on the same table to eat his breakfast ?
7 Flynn had overcome this shortage by holding a night school for his gangers , where he taught the simple precepts of laying down a line on the ground from a survey map .
8 I used to bring them home and then , well father and me used to slaughter them on the Monday , you see and perhaps a bullock on the Monday and every Wedn every Monday morning the men from the farm , cos he had a farm , you see , used to bring perhaps twenty bullocks up through the street and he used to pick one out to kill , every Monday .
9 It is indeed remarkable — and perhaps a comment on the tunnel vision of many in academic life — that no previous scholars have looked for the Belgian detective 's literary antecedents in the most obvious of sources , the Medieval Mystery Play .
10 Is this perhaps a comment on the inadequacy of the law and the difficulty of policing and getting convictions ?
11 It 's a temporary position , only three years , but there is obviously a desire on the part of the Embassy to integrate more , not only through the Accademia , but also for the purpose of contacts with English museums .
12 Erm on that I also point out that in terms of commuting , the next stop after York is Leeds , so a settlement on the A sixty four corridor is ideally placed with regards to rail transport , to the centre of Leeds .
13 In family 5 the mother 's brother had previously been confirmed by muscle biopsy and so a biopsy on the infant was thought unnecessary .
14 Gloucestershire police say the pornographic video business appears to be booming , so a crackdown on the dealers is to be welcomed .
15 They need it to finance new projects and which they ultimately hope those projects will bring in a profit on the capital employed .
16 She kept a record of everyone 's birthday at the factory and , until the company grew too big , always brought in a cake on the appropriate day .
17 The Bourequats lasted only a day on the run , and on their return to prison were forced to watch the execution of a guard .
18 In the absence of witnesses , only a confession on the part of the defendant or sufficient circumstantial evidence will substantiate the offence .
19 Any potential tenant will require not only a discount on the rent quoted but a rent-free period and/or a capital contribution towards fitting out costs .
20 ‘ No , sir , only a candle on the floor . ’
21 The imagination must replace the lost steeples : the NE chapel of St Sepulchre , topped with the chapel of St Pancras , survives in its transeptal position , but the matching SE chapel of St Mary has lost its upper storey : the adjoining chapel of St Augustine to the W , and its upper chapel of St Michael , are now only crags ; the Bishop 's tower at the NW , late and ill-built , has fallen in , though some of its elevation remains ; and the SW tower of St John has left only a matrix on the W wall .
22 For us economic and monetary union is only a station on the way to full European political union . ’
23 On one , never to be forgotten occasion , I went to Stonehenge , had a puncture after only a mile on the way back and then had to walk nine miles home .
24 And if the language has become a little colourful , well , it 's only a reflection on the state of the mag .
25 It should be remembered that this is only a qualification on the foreign business carve-out ; if the investment business from the non-UK office with customers in the UK falls outside the carve-out , because it actually constitutes regulated business , the general COB Rules will apply in the normal way .
26 Modelling was only a step on the road to a career in design .
27 Distracting him does n't work ; talking to him nicely does n't work ; in the end , only a slap on the leg cuts through all the tension and nagging .
28 Suggesting that Murrin should be ‘ wired up ’ when he meets me , Hounam says anything which earns me only a slap on the wrist would n't be enough .
29 They were trotting along a path on the side of a hill when they detected a man walking below them .
30 Geoff Nicholas has proved that being disabled is not necessarily a handicap on the golf course .
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