Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb past] into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He put the magazine down and stared into space over my head , smiling wisely as I cleared my throat and flapped the hem of my dressing-gown as unobtrusively as I could .
2 The plane come down and bursted into flames .
3 ‘ I 've got a dead white face , staring black eyes , stringy hair and I need a shave , ’ she announced in a rush , put the phone down and collapsed into gales of laughter .
4 The two falcons flew together and disappeared into cloud .
5 Some premonition alerted her subconscious ; earlier disquiets and a vague sense of unease came together and focused into fear .
6 A WOMAN and her two children , one a baby , died when their car and a van collided head-on and burst into flames yesterday .
7 I fell indoors and crashed into Mum .
8 He moved over and stared into Bernice 's eyes .
9 The airliner struck the ground some 50 metres short of the runway , turned over and burst into flames .
10 she brought more moss still and pressed into shape with in the same way .
11 I took them off and rode into Haleiwa with Michael .
12 Equally , a feminist who left a meeting , went home and jumped into bed with hubbie or boyfriend , was no better than a member of the fifth column .
13 And every bill dated November or later he got discounted at once and turned into cash .
14 She sat up straight and stared into space , her eyes wide .
15 Restlessly , she got up and went into Nina 's office where a small black-and-white television sat on top of the filing cabinets .
16 Molly gave it up and drove into Mondano .
17 Or we may live to see the vines ploughed up and turned into orchards as has been happening in other areas . ’
18 ‘ All the great themes have been used up and turned into theme parks , ’ he bitterly complains .
19 The girl was grabbed from behind and dragged into bushes as she walked through an estate in Milton Keynes , Bucks .
20 Eveneutally one of the men , Richard Sowerby , 24 , of Stanhope Road , Middlesbrough , climbed out and ran into Great Ayton to raise the alarm .
21 Some dropped out and got into drugs , others just fancied drinking with their mates in the pub .
22 But there were probably a great many more who simply took advantage of too many of the free pints they were offered too often and slipped into alcoholism .
23 Graham , when he came to pick me up , would stand back and burst into song , like that man in " Gigi " : " Why , you 've been growing up before my very eyes ! "
24 Yes we 've erm we 've brought in to play left back and pushed into midfield , playing with three mid-fielders , erm and we shall keep the same centre half pairing of and .
25 Buses — some of them upside-down and turned into barricades — were strewn across the square while a mountain of upended transport containers formed the last Christian front line .
26 I might have got worn out , the number of miles we walked and bins we excavated , only he sat on every bench we came across and stared into space .
27 Indeed , only three or four minutes into her talk , Shirley Brown had leaned across and whispered into Howard 's ear : ‘ Better than Ottawa ! ’
28 Mr Kronweiser faded out abruptly and subsided into coughs .
29 apparently turned up this morning and they want a hundred pound by tomorrow , and they 're coming back tomorrow for it paying him ten pound a week and thought it was gone and he had er none so find a hundred pound by tomorrow and she did n't know where she was going to get it from , she just stood there and burst into tears and run off going on
30 Heini leaned forward and murmured into Bodo 's ear .
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