Example sentences of "[adv] and we had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Where we lived was n't much of a place — there were fourteen families in the one house and as mother 's eyes got worse , less work came in and we had to move into smaller and smaller rooms .
2 Yeah we got there for ten o'clock and we had to wait till they 'd finished all the out-patients before they 'd let the in-patients .
3 You see the tractor driving it , there 's the load , this was gathering up the hay as it went along and it tipped it over and we had to make the loads you see .
4 But in that moment , the fight was over and we had won .
5 There were hundreds of screaming women outside and we had to whisk him down to the underground car park and shut the gates behind him .
6 ‘ We could not move back home and we had reached the end of Palestine . ’
7 Yeah , picked a rabbit up and we had to chase him , get it out of his mouth .
8 This is one where I put the price up and then we went and wrote to him with a net price list showing a lower price than I 'd put up and we had to reduce it .
9 Anyway , forty six and then we had no house , at all , because my mother had died and my father , we said to my father you leave if you want to we should be alright we 'll find somewhere to go and we did n't and we had to have a Nissan hut for about a year , supplied by the Council
10 It was a Sunday , I was so worried , I did n't know anything about , and I just have to sit there and we had to make conversation .
11 Remember when that bus bloody stopped there and we had to walk , me you and Zed ?
12 He stopped again and we had to flatten ourselves against a wall as a Post Office van mounted the pavement to avoid an illegally parked British Telecom van .
13 But then Hector was to blame too because Hector went they were coming round and we had to get out first , he promised us as the first houses would go up we would get back again
14 Our offices had expanded very rapidly from 1986 onwards and we had to increase our production capacity here and we were finding it very difficult to recruit trained sewing machinists .
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