Example sentences of "[adv] and they [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , sections er , Longmans were in and they had them .
2 When a new plane came in and they assigned it to our crew , it being the principle crew and we got to name it and we named our plane Skyscraper , I do have some later pictures but er it taken in front of the plane of the crew that I was flying with at that time and the ground crew in front of Skyscraper .
3 and he used to come in here and , and if it , if Y T or , or jobs you know whatever it was going to be , they , they all come in and they knew who Steve is
4 It 's probably cos I walked in and they called me over , I mean I
5 Till the boy fell in and they fenced it off .
6 Bernard came in and they moderated their language .
7 They never actually moved in and they promised it to Daddy .
8 He went down and they carried him out .
9 it was on a Friday , it was her day off , she got called in at about three o'clock and they told her then , it was two weeks ago now
10 Well I sort of gave them a choice , do they want to nominate who does overtime or do they want to have a cat or do they want to pay , get paid less and they said they 'll get paid less .
11 We come along and they passed my load and they turned his load away .
12 We used to socialize together and they used my garden as their flat did n't have one .
13 I got involved because his family live some way away and they asked me if I could make the arrangements , sort things out until they got there .
14 I went downstairs and they told me they had just got married .
15 We could not get in to see Gracie Fields and , together with hundreds of troops , we stood outside and they relayed her performance , I listened to this glorious voice singing " Sally " and all the rest of her favourite songs , and then walking the other 11 miles back — in flying boots .
16 the Beverley sisters were on and they said they used to wear very daring clothes and the B B C banned them from showing their navels , cos you 're not supposed to show your navel on television and you could n't say the word , oh yeah Lonnie Donegan was on and he said that he was banned from singing this song er in eighty forty was such a little drip and in it he says we beat the bloody British and they would n't let him sing that because he swore so he had to sing we beat the ruddy British
17 People had gone up to a house and been knocking on the door waiting for someone to come because the light had come on and they thought there must be somebody in because they switched the light on when they saw me come up the drive , and these are visitors .
18 Well , you know , it you see , time were , I do n't know I suppose , I do n't know but I never seemed to be afraid and I used to have my or something round my waist , a belt with the keys hanging on and they supplied me with a as well , one of these , I do n't know what they 're made of they were n't all that heavy but still they were heavy enough to keep on .
19 Oh I shall never regret Er I do n't know but I 'm just perhaps one on me own , but er it could n't have been better for because I was a freelance and er I wanted to learn and wanted to get on and they allowed me , they allowed me to do what I wanted .
20 erm A lot of people gave as a reason for getting a particular piece of furniture the fact that it was given to them by their parents when they got married , or that a neighbour was trying to get rid of it , or that somebody from work had passed it on and they needed one .
21 If they started to cause trouble , we just asked them to move on and they appreciated it .
22 ‘ We attacked them , attacked them , attacked them all the way up that straight and round that bend but they kept pounding more and more on and they held us , ’ said Probert .
23 It rotated slowly and they found themselves staring back at their comrades .
24 they offered me two for a boat , right and they offered me one while I was there , then I got home and they offered me one that late that evening , job , erm working like that was a Thursday and they wanted me to start on the week Monday , I could n't do it as it happens I had to give my weeks notice here get out there that quick , so I fucking said , I said to myself well they 've first day , they 're gon na offer me a few more , so yeah they offered me a couple more but way from so , a bit unlucky I , I wished I 'd fucking taken it
25 ‘ I told them my brother could be lying dead somewhere and they said they did n't care and that I was mucking them about , ’ said 18-year-old Joanne , of Stoneleigh , Surrey , yesterday .
26 They needed it quickly and they needed it badly .
27 She said I ca n't promise you , so I thought well I 'm sat six months now , so I phoned this ship thing yesterday on the telly called Just Start , no Start Again whatever it 's called and they gave me , they phoned me yesterday and they gave me a number of Cine Hill , Northampton which is the job advisory centre , adults education and then they phoned me yesterday and they told me who to get in touch with so I 've got an appointment Thursday at erm Northampton with the Social Services Department and they apparently map out all the places where you could go , say , say for instance that St Crispin 's is the mental home I can go there and be with the patients and then I can go to the Marina 's and be taught how to lift and how to bed bath and how to manipulate
28 yesterday and they sent him home last week and he 's on crutches at the moment .
29 She said I ca n't promise you , so I thought well I 'm sat six months now , so I phoned this ship thing yesterday on the telly called Just Start , no Start Again whatever it 's called and they gave me , they phoned me yesterday and they gave me a number of Cine Hill , Northampton which is the job advisory centre , adults education and then they phoned me yesterday and they told me who to get in touch with so I 've got an appointment Thursday at erm Northampton with the Social Services Department and they apparently map out all the places where you could go , say , say for instance that St Crispin 's is the mental home I can go there and be with the patients and then I can go to the Marina 's and be taught how to lift and how to bed bath and how to manipulate
30 they offered me two for a boat , right and they offered me one while I was there , then I got home and they offered me one that late that evening , job , erm working like that was a Thursday and they wanted me to start on the week Monday , I could n't do it as it happens I had to give my weeks notice here get out there that quick , so I fucking said , I said to myself well they 've first day , they 're gon na offer me a few more , so yeah they offered me a couple more but way from so , a bit unlucky I , I wished I 'd fucking taken it
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