Example sentences of "[adv] of the [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 There were , broadly , two interrelated reasons for this , the first relating to Britain 's economic and Imperial difficulties , the second to the internal dissension in all three parties , a symptom perhaps of the need for a realignment of political parties .
2 It believes that the government wants a short-term profitable fishery regardless of the consequences for the crab fishery or the dolphins .
3 And the financial institutions , subscribing fully to the ideology of the ‘ smoothly functioning capital market ’ , take it for granted that the best interests of their personal sector customers are served by placing funds where they can get the ‘ best ’ and ‘ safest ’ monetary returns , regardless of the consequences for productive investment .
4 The justification supposes that so long as a person is possessed of a right , that right may be exercised regardless of the consequences for others .
5 In both cases , regardless of the reasons for measured differences in attainment between groups of pupils , both justice and need demand that we act to alter an inequitable status quo .
6 Some aspects of shared planning are valuable enough to survive regardless of the competition for school admissions .
7 Any person who requests environmental information , regardless of nationality , regardless of the reason for the request .
8 These experiences do not , of course , wholly explain modern union behaviour or remove from unions much of the responsibility for changing matters .
9 Piggott , 57 , gave himself much of the credit for the victory , cheekily telling trainer Richard Hannon : ‘ I rode a brilliant race , did n't I. ’
10 Unfortunately , being familiar with an approach takes away much of the need for real judgement .
11 At different times during the war , reports came in of the need for jet fuel .
12 Because they believed — and we had better believe it also — that if they could make individuals conscious only of the need for personal gratification , they would have neither desire nor energy to combine and work for the downfall of the enemy .
13 ‘ Responsibility is accepted in the preparation of this report for the skill and diligence reasonably to be expected of a competent surveyor and valuer but the information it contains is for the confidential information only of the clients for whom it is prepared and of any building society , bank or other lender to whom written application for a mortgage advance has been made or will be made within 28 days after the date of this report .
14 ‘ I 'd be surprised if we were back in before the end of this Parliament , ’ he said three weeks ago , almost emphatically enough for the majority of Tory MPs who want to steer clear of the Bundesbank for as long as possible .
15 Place all the ingredients , saving a little of the parsley for garnish , and two-thirds of the stock , into a large saucepan .
16 Her hope of happiness was gone , all gone , and if she had to bear a little of the blame for not having told him immediately who she was , then surely that was not a thing to hang her with .
17 Even if the consumer can cover the risk by insurance , the position is much more complicated for him , and his insurers are going to be less likely to waive their rights of subrogation , without which his assumption of liability and his taking on of the insurance for the risk will not work .
18 By contrast , where time is not of the essence for the service of a landlord 's notice calling for a rent review , mere delay by the landlord , however lengthy and even if coupled with hardship to the tenant , does not of itself destroy the contractual right which the landlord has to serve a notice .
19 From teaching they moved into mission work and in 1901 began their careers in this field as Superintendent and Matron respectively of the Institute for the Deaf at Bolton , Lancashire .
20 I could have done a little the papers let them off of the hook for years !
21 A new calculation will soon be published in Physical Review Letters by Levan Surguladzo , also of the Institute for Nuclear Research , and Mark Samuel of Oklahoma State University .
22 D. Metcalf and S. J. Nickell , also of the Centre for Labour Economics , analysed retrospective data from the National Training Survey , in which information was elicited from respondents about their careers from 1965 to 1975 .
23 His performance was intended as a celebration of that renaissance , and also of the prospects for world peace : for in Moscow Comrade Gorbachev and President Reagan were holding a summit meeting which promised to bear fruit in disarmament .
24 Gandhi speaks also of the need for abhyāsa , or single-minded devotion , and vairāgya , or indifference to worldly life .
25 Not only should an understanding be gained of a history of losses , but also of the potential for new attachments .
26 A diehard Thatcherite , formerly of the Centre for Policy Studies , imposed on the SEAC in a putsch .
27 Checking his watch , he found that he 'd been out of the cabin for a little over three hours .
28 Get out of the valley for a while , see somewhere new ? ’
29 Taking part in the marathon could be out of the question for many people with asthma .
30 For many , the whole idea of using Marxist concepts of analysis is out of the question for a Christian and the spectre of communism has been one of the most divisive aspects .
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