Example sentences of "[adv] and [adv] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If these researchers had succeeded in measuring operatively and empirically what degree of participation was achieved and how this affected the degree of effectiveness , then our search would have been finished .
2 She was singing aloud as she skipped when suddenly and unexpectedly her rope was fouled by something and nearly tripped her up .
3 I remember picturing the wet grease-proof paper it would be wrapped in and how my mother would cut off its head and scrape out its insides .
4 Well he ca n't get in and out their place can he ?
5 I mean I ca n't in , I like to shut my door , I mean I do n't mind people coming to visit me but I could n't stand people in and out , in and out my house all day , that would crack me up .
6 Deliberate learning situations have to be constructed if we want to pin causes down and further our grasp on the world .
7 and now the er , they 're not paying back , and the houses have come down and so what people are doing , or some people that have bought these houses , they 're just giving the keys back and repossessing the house
8 In sat the residents down and then we sort of like hovered .
9 Hurry up or I 'll start jerking you up and down and then your hair really will come out and we 'll have enough of it to stuff a sofa !
10 Bryony if you get your foot underneath it like you did before when you kicked the footrest down and then your foot went underneath the buggy and you screamed did n't you ?
11 If we never express personally and intimately our love for Christ , this intimate relationship side of our inheritance in Christ will remain stunted .
12 Towards the end of the campaign , Mrs Thatcher 's actions in attacking Heseltine personally and especially her allegation that he would introduce Labour policies gave an unfortunate impression of panic — reminiscent of ‘ Wobbly Thursday ’ during the 1987 general election campaign .
13 The European Council declared that " at a moment when these Republics express democratically and peacefully their will to accede to full sovereignty , the Community and its member states wish to open with them , in a spirit of co-operation , a dialogue regarding the development of their mutual relationship " .
14 Derrick Greaves thought Minton was very much opposed to flaccid impressionism or complacent anti-modernism , of the Munnings variety , and saw that he wanted his students to examine brutally and fully what kind of vocabulary suited the needs of the day .
15 My staff were faced with untidy heaps of apparatus apparatus in equipment rooms , and received little or no help from the student representatives So and then it sort of flabbers on a bit saying they 're
16 And he played his violin as well so and actually what Nigel had wanted was to get a little choral group so we
17 I tried his office at four o'clock and then his house at five , without success .
18 Tomorrow would come all too soon and then her problems would really begin .
19 And he rolls over and then he sort of put his legs up .
20 Yeah I did that at school we had to stay in most break times as a child cos I could n't remember , and I , I know that my mum bought me a books so I used to sit for days and days , then my mum going over and then my nan going over and I could n't remember if I wanted
21 Now the air raid was over and still her husband and daughter had not come home .
22 The big black Mercedes was still outside and now its boot and all its doors were open and Mr and Mrs Wormwood and the brother were scurrying around it like ants , piling in the suitcases , as Matilda and Miss Honey came dashing up .
23 Dr John Gauden , who had managed to hold the Deanery of Bocking successively as an Anglican and as a Presbyterian , secretly claimed that ‘ This book and figure was wholly and only my making and design ’ , and demanded his reward .
24 If someone arrives here from Canada , how can we say that we will consider properly and carefully his application for political asylum ?
25 Baby Bogdan will be kept in hospital at least ten days depending on how he gets on and how his nutrition improves .
26 I turned my head slowly and now my throat started to hurt .
27 I am always and everywhere his place ; if I am the barren land he thinks to water into an oasis I am also the blight on his crops and the locust destroying grain ; I am both the ruined harvest and the shameful blood that sickens cattle .
28 Mark 's offbeat description of the beautiful French countryside , the heat , the food , was as entertaining as always and then his style changed and the real reason for writing became evident .
29 Yeah , people could just switch off and then it Apple Macintosh erm I think with the Gillette decision was part of the Gillette seemed to reposition themselves in advertising
30 Yet however suspect may be the capacity of electors in general to vote responsibly and intelligently their right to make political choices must in a democracy be respected .
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