Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] you [adj] " in BNC.

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1 but they do sort of come in and give you some idea do n't they ?
2 Is to know it all and can sit down and watch you two
3 ‘ And now you ring her up on the day we get back from our honeymoon and get her to come down and tell you all about it !
4 Here are Ju , gi you some money go down and buy you some
5 A representative sample of the adult British population was asked : ‘ If the company you work for had to move its premises , do you think you would or would not move with it and find a new home if it moved more than 50 miles away and gave you financial help to move ? ’
6 ‘ You can live quite cheaply in Miami , so once you 're out there on one job , you can contact other UK clients and get them to send the gear over and keep you busy for a few weeks .
7 ‘ It 's dreadful of me , dashing off and leaving you all alone ! ’ her mother was saying .
8 If you chase the game against the likes of these teams they 'll just pick you off and slit you open .
9 ‘ Fuck off and leave you alone ! ’ echoed Quigley , as if I had just taken pi to sixteen decimal places off the top of my head .
10 For two pins I 'd send this lot home and have you all to myself . ’
11 pick you up and meet you one evening .
12 But there is this centre which is right op on Parliament Street opposite Boots and you can go in there and all these leaflets that I 've got come from there , you can get those any time , they also have all the timetables , they also have all , have all the other information and two ladies sitting there , voluntary , er who will phone up and get you any information on any subject that you want .
13 Do you want me to go up and get you some ?
14 He 's gon na sell me out and tell you all the Kirby ones .
15 One former patient told me how her early childhood had been marred by her mother forever threatening to ‘ walk out and leave you all to it ’ whenever there was any family dispute — or even when one of the children did not comply with a request quickly enough .
16 And then as soon as I can find somewhere else , I 'll move out and leave you alone .
17 ‘ Do you want me to come back and give you one of my special back rubs ?
18 I 'll take it back and find you some that is , sir .
19 I 'll come back and see you this afternoon . ’
20 Sergeant before I take you on to deal with the briefing itself , I just want to go back and ask you one thing .
21 Can I go back and ask you two questions .
22 All I 'm gon na do is add to what Keith said earlier today and encourage you fellow Tablers to use your hearts and minds over the next twelve months in this direction .
23 I know people in this sort of line of business who will sit here and tell you all sorts of
24 I mean if I was to s stand here and tell you that self-raising flour is classed as an X one , as a class one explosive dust
25 You want old Bombie to come back in here and give you some more of what Biff gave you today ?
26 If it does , I hope and pray that they will stop there and leave you alone , at least for the time being .
27 Nip upstairs and get you some socks .
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