Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 I jumped up suddenly and ran into the crowds of people in the dark .
2 We were grabbed suddenly and hustled into the dancing light .
3 More than any other comfort his delighted kisses in return soothed her and eventually she was able to put him down and go into the kitchen to speak to Teresa about the day 's duties .
4 After a while , the bedroom door opened and they heard Mother and the visitor come down and go into the front room of the house .
5 When at last she put the receiver down and went into the kitchen she found that Edward had unpacked the shopping .
6 So I gingerly walked down and crept into the car realized that I was the one that had caused all that
7 BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL We can now make plastics which can break down and disappear into the soil .
8 The autumn colours come when the green pigment chlorophyll is broken down and re-absorbed into the tree .
9 She remembered , following the man 's visit , that she had sat dumb with rage , and had then rushed upstairs to his room , and every article belonging to him , even to his razor strop , she had brought down and thrown into the yard for the Saturday morning onslaught .
10 There are two ways to ensure this : one is to make sure that there is plenty of moisture-retentive organic bulk under each plant at planting time , and the second is a steady carrying down and mixing into the soil by worm action from a blanket cover on the soil surface , a cover that also drastically reduces evaporation .
11 It was too close to Christmas to bother about embarking on any sort of adult education before it , so I pacified Toby by saying I 'd got plenty of time and would look into it after the New Year , and we settled down to wallow in being together and getting into the Christmas spirit .
12 However , if the sperm from a number of ejaculates are stored , added together and introduced into the wife 's vagina or uterus , fertilization may be successful .
13 Adolescence may be viewed as the time at which , and only at which , the threads of childhood experience are drawn together and woven into the fabric of personality .
14 At once Moore rushed towards it , but the rat ran away and disappeared into the shadows .
15 He coughed mildly to test its depth and the sound was spirited away and absorbed into the stillness .
16 She put her bike away and sauntered into the room .
17 She glanced at him , then turned her head away and ran into the house .
18 Only when the last bullet had been fired and when Clint Eastwood had matter-of-factly and deftly dropped the six-shooter back into its holster , flicked the cheroot away and walked into the sunset , did the man in the old jacket and cords , legs dangling over the seat in front , get up and shamble slowly up the darkened aisle .
19 The fire gave a sudden crackle and the top log rolled over and fell into the hearth .
20 Sleepily she tried to adjust for this situation , flipping over and snuggling into the heated surface of his chest .
21 I lay on my fourposter ready to bemoan what had happened but the next minute I rolled over and sank into the deepest sleep .
22 Lorton hooked a leg over and climbed into the room .
23 Ann was n't sure whether to ask Amyas in or not , so she left him standing outside and hurried into the large parlour , where Harry was experimenting with tobacco .
24 Mansell locked his brakes up and span off , his car turning backwards and colliding into the wall at about 75mph in a cloud of debris which included his right front wheel .
25 The guests left the table thankfully and hurried into the conservatory .
26 She sucked in a steadying gulp of air , letting it go with little huffing sounds before she walked on and turned into the lane .
27 But the float careered on and crashed into the 58-year-old tax official , breaking his leg .
28 Seeing the glow of a red and yellow Shell sign ahead , she drives on and pulls into the forecourt of a self-service petrol station .
29 He rubbed his eyes , rose slowly and went into the bedroom .
30 As they approached , a big rabbit appeared over the edge of the ditch , looked at them quickly and vanished into the bank .
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