Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although the SSC , like most things , could probably have been designed a bit better and made to cost a bit less , physics dictates its overall scale .
2 ‘ But I 'll console you , my dear , ’ he said and Fenella smiled valiantly and tried to quell the nauseous lifting of her stomach .
3 Bronwen ap Bryn said , as she stroked her tattooed scalp thoughtfully and turned to leave the sick-bay .
4 Instead you peer inside and try to calculate the merchandising policy : what value of stock is required , per metre of shelf space , to meet overheads and instil profit ?
5 By the end of 1981 over 350,000 Apple IIs had been purchased ; the company had experienced over 100 per cent growth annually and continues to enjoy a similar growth pattern .
6 Eventually , after the subject had been raised many times by the Inspector , the CEGB gave in and agreed to produce the figures ‘ without prejudice , to its main argument .
7 Few people have it , but as there are comparatively few copywriter positions in London , you ca n't just waltz in and expect to make a mark .
8 He waited while Father Barnes unlocked the front door , then followed him in and offered to make a cup of tea , the British specific against disaster , grief and shock .
9 Lisa watched in a kind of mute subdued horror as the waiter came in and began to arrange the coffee things on a low glass-topped table between Vass 's armchair and her sofa .
10 What happened was I happened to be in the corridors there and the gentleman came in , that 's on the Friday afternoon , gentleman came in and asked to see the Headmaster , so I took him along to see who was the Headmaster then , and erm shortly after that I was called up to see and erm asked me if I 'd like to apply for this job because had seen me erm bringing me up to , bringing him up to see and he said erm , well what about that young fella who brought me up there and would he like to apply .
11 ‘ ( 2 ) In the light of the provisions and principles of Community law and in particular ( but without limitation ) the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of nationality , the right of establishment and the requirement of proportionality , is a member state entitled to stipulate that in order to be registered in and entitled to fly the flag of that member state , a fishing vessel : ( a ) must have its legal title vested as to 100 per cent .
12 ‘ ( 2 ) In the light of the provisions and principles of Community law and in particular ( but without limitation ) the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of nationality , the right of establishment and the requirement of proportionality , is a member state entitled to stipulate that in order to be registered in and entitled to fly the flag of that member state , a fishing vessel : ( a ) must have its legal title vested as to 100 per cent .
13 Then , as it lies dying , the snake moves in and starts to swallow the now helpless creature .
14 A scruffy little kid aged between 12 and 14 came in and tried to steal the charity box from the counter .
15 The trees that once sheltered the man of the forest have been chopped down and sold to shelter the man of the city in Tokyo and Nagasaki .
16 The girl knelt down and began to play a game of marbles with the Doctor .
17 ‘ An hour later I sat down and began to write the script . ’
18 I went down and tried to rouse the constable .
19 Robert patted his hair down and tried to formulate a few opening remarks .
20 Did you notice how their attacker with long hair seemed to crouch down and try to catch the ball every time a ball came near , Fairclough was excellent at marking him , I think they wore the same pair of shorts !
21 Angrily she watched him crouch down and begin to clear a patch of ground .
22 She had taken a job in Manchester which bored her as much as she knew it would , but where she could settle down and get to know the people she was working with .
23 The sooner you " sus out " what happens at college , the sooner you 'll settle down and begin to enjoy the college experience .
24 Liz Headleand stared at the scene with a marked lack of dismay , as Kate Armstrong knelt down and started to dust the earth off Giles , looking up to ask anyone who might be interested about the little blobs of white polystyrene that always seem to come mixed with bulb fibre : ‘ What is this stuff ? ’ asked Kate , ‘ I 've often wondered , ’ as she proceeded to re-pot a hyacinth with one hand while stroking Giles 's shoulder with the other .
25 On 2 March however , they were called upon to play a more central part in the defence , as Desmond Vincent-Jones relates : ‘ The day started auspiciously when an Heinkel 111 suddenly appeared out of the dawn mist with undercarriage down and started to make an approach to the main runway , presumably mistaking Hal Far for its own base airfield in Sicily .
26 The government has spent £1 billion on the Expo site alone and expects to recoup the cost from the visitors .
27 To reach a fuller understanding of the blood differential — its origin , purpose and effect — it is necessary to dig a little deeper and attempt to trace the underlying reasons by means of a sociological/anthropological analysis — and this is what I have been attempting to do in the course of this essay .
28 Therefore the Russian Churches , at a synod in Moscow that year , said so and refused to send a single representative .
29 A bird that thought so and decided to make a meal of it would quickly die .
30 It was strange how good and bad could run into each other , could appear as interchangeable : not the good of succouring the sick , nor the bad of shooting the helpless , but in the subtler regions of morality where things blended together and seemed to make the business of living easier .
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