Example sentences of "[adv] be [vb pp] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Criticism arrangement and pointed out that William Hay had only been elected the first DUP mayor after being nominated for the fifth time .
2 The sentence can only be assigned the right truth conditions , or alternatively be given the correct semantic representation , if the pragmatic significance of and in this sentential context ( namely the " and then " interpretation ) is taken into account before doing the semantics .
3 The answer to the last of the three questions should perhaps be put the other way round .
4 In fact its name still adorns the large office block in Paddock Wood — they 're waiting for the Friends of Felix Dhjerzinsky to come and remove it — but below is enscribed the new and politically squeaky-clean name of ‘ English Hops ’ .
5 Yet the large majority of our teenagers said they had not been taught the practical realities of avoiding AIDS until they were at least 15 .
6 In 1912 Eleanor Barton , a spokeswoman for the WCG ( albeit herself middle class ) , voiced the opinion that ‘ women suffer a great deal through their husbands ’ sensuality , and that is more evident amongst working people than other classes , simply because the conditions of life lend themselves to that sort of thing , and they have not been taught the proper uses of their bodies ' .
7 Although clearance under s138 is advisable , it is not essential to the operation of s135 , though some tax inspectors seem to assume that where clearance has not been obtained the anti-avoidance provision in s137 will automatically apply to deny capital gains tax deferral .
8 Handicapped people were simply those who had not been given the right tool kit .
9 John Hill 's son says he 's not been given the full facts about what went wrong .
10 In small intestinal mucosa homogenates from patients who had not been treated the increased basal adenylate cyclase activity , reported also by others .
11 ‘ I am sad we have not been afforded the same welcome given to the Beirut hostages , ’ he told a deeply moved audience at the AGM last month .
12 Myeloski knew that Duncan had not been told the whole truth .
13 Meditation on the spiritual life brings forth the peak experience in which the whole organism approaches release — therein are found the supreme joys of the spirit .
14 In the midst of the proceedings , when they have already been given the Ten Commandments and much besides , and Moses is on the summit of Sinai receiving more torah to relay to them , they rebel .
15 ( A controversial Public Order Ordinance , controlling public meetings and demonstrations , had , however , already been withdrawn the previous month from the list of protected legislation . )
16 More particularly , and because Vietnam had already been accorded the key position in Southeast Asia , ‘ Soviet domination of the potential power of Eurasia , whether achieved by armed aggression or by political and subversive means , would be strategically and politically unacceptable to the US ’ .
17 This criticism is forcefully made by Connolly , in the course of a discussion of structuralist theories , of which he takes Althusser s to be a prime example : One of the two complaints aired in this passage has already been discussed the incredulous observation that we can not view people as role-bearers who lead complicated lives in modern industrial societies and simultaneously regard them as determined .
18 He was 44 years old and he had already been acclaimed the First Great American painter .
19 We felt pretty helpless in the train , as we did not know whether any arrangements had been made to meet us at Canton , but at the station we were welcomed by a Min. of Education official , together with a teacher-interpreter from Canton university , who surprised us with his urbane manner , excellent English , and his knowledge that David Owen had just been made the substantive Foreign Secretary to replace Anthony Crossland ( and that , incidentally , is about the last news we have heard about affairs in the U.K. ! ) .
20 This is where the swans have been spending the regatta — at Egham just off the M25 in Surrey — it 's just been made the national swan sanctuary and has around 100 birds at any one time .
21 Nobody was yet greatly concerned about the poverty of what had just been called the Third World .
22 Rupert Bear is not only the world 's tallest hot air balloon and a leading children 's favourite since 1920 , he has just been appointed the National Trust 's young ‘ green ’ spokesman , or should one say spokesbear .
23 Christine has just been given the all clear … but only after an intensive five weeks of radiation treatment .
24 And the unique project has just been given the Royal seal of approval .
25 ‘ I 've just been told the same .
26 When he reached the age of 19 and married Mary of Gueldres in Holyrood abbey , James could no longer be denied the full authority of kingship .
27 The British citizen must no longer be denied the fair voting systems enjoyed by the citizens of every other European country .
28 A prime minister might generally be considered the best candidate , but not if he has been dubbed ‘ the butcher of Beijing ’ .
29 Nevertheless , observers on what might broadly be called the left were generally very much opposed to the creation of enterprise zones ( Anderson , 1980 ; Massey , 1982 ) .
30 In that case the court found that the auditors ' certificate was based on a mistaken interpretation of the agreement between the partners : this would probably not be decided the same way today : see 13.6 , 13.7 and 13.9 .
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