Example sentences of "[adv] be [adv] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It 's tuesday and so Dr Kathleen Long 's here with us for an open surgery .
2 We then p positioned ourselves further into the room er P C obviously was still with me behind the shield erm once we 'd got ourselves in a in a better position , as far as we were concerned , P C then started talking to the people , erm who were in the bed .
3 But just to see his face when we walked in was well worth it .
4 She had not been far behind him , and yet had heard no sound to prepare her for this .
5 Mere existence had not been enough for him , in the Epilogue 's diagnosis ; he had always wanted something more .
6 Of all the things she had expected from life , the events of the last twenty-four hours had not been remotely near them .
7 I would have you smile too , fair cousin , as it is my hope and one that you are privy to that you may soon be more to me than cousin .
8 Nothing , just be here for me .
9 I really do believe that without it we would n't have got here , without that silly ring I should not be here with you now , Therese , now this moment .
10 She knew he would not be far behind her .
11 The general opinion , never a good guide , suggested there would not be much between them , but the Irish handicapper has decided that Morley Street is 12lb below his stable companion when framing the weights for the Ladbroke Hurdle .
12 The reason is obvious to you but may not be so to them at all .
13 For the first time in many months she contemplated the uncontemplatable , and thought that it might not be so with him , even though her heart began to thud uncomfortably at the very idea .
14 ‘ The thought of not being there for them as they grew up was too much to bear , ’ she said .
15 Anna 's air of vagueness , of not being quite with you , is one of her greatest assets .
16 ‘ Tell me , Shannon , just what exactly is there between you and Dane ? ’
17 But the asinine policies that were brought through in the th er in the Thatcher era they still are here with us , no matter how they try to get shut of them , the poll tax which has been referred to by Councillor is confusion at its best .
18 She seems to have always been there for me to run to .
19 It 's always been there between us , has n't it ? ’
20 We were able to do the hall or we 'd still be nowhere with it , only because of a donation of thirty thousand pounds quite out of the blue , from the London Glassworkers ' Company which meant we did n't expect it .
21 I can not believe my luck that nobody else had the sense to carry you off but that you should still be there for me and that — ’ Well , that could be taken two ways , on second thoughts that might not be the thing to say , no ; ‘ my luck that you should want me in the same way that I want you .
22 Thank you for your clever verse About your favourite side ; It 's written well — I ‘ ve read much worse , Your cause , besides ; But now you ‘ ll know that Craven Cot Will still be there for you ; We ‘ ve tried out best , we ‘ ve done a lot To make your dreams come true .
23 Now we 've got another daughter and a son and they 've got a home which will always be here for them . ’
24 This place will always be here for her to come home to as long as I breathe . ’
25 Your son/daughter will have a special relationship with one particular person who will always be there for him/her .
26 It 'll be a place that will always be there for you to come back to . ’
27 Once is enough for him to be of use .
28 It 's almost painful to tell kids who have gone to see The Graduate eight times that once was enough for you because you 've already seen it eighty times with Charles Ray and Robert Harron and Richard Barthlemess and Richard Cromwell and Charles Farrell …
29 Getting up early was only worth it if she were going to see Ricky .
30 I 'll come following you He d yeah it was odd when Frank said that cos apparently what happened , he just sort of started saying that he did n't think that Frank had really been there for him and that he was being a bit sort of selfish and stuff which I mean maybe he has been but the thing is if you know if Frank 's making this massive effort to like fit in and meet new people and stuff then
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