Example sentences of "[adv] be [adv] [verb] because " in BNC.

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1 Keith obviously is still continuing because s again some money was found to keep his , to keep paying him for another few months .
2 Furthermore , many key settlement policies have not been properly implemented because there has been a lack of co-ordination among the relevant planning agencies ( Cloke 1980b ) .
3 We support the views of the County Planning Officers Society and the Government that the 1981 provisions have not been widely used because of ( a ) the financial implications of compensation for minerals planning authorities ( MPAs ) , ( b ) the staffing and resource implications for MPAs who were expected to implement the provisions , and ( c ) the complexity and cumbersome nature of the provisions themselves .
4 The original environment of human evolutionary adaptedness can not be clearly defined because our evolution has been such an extraordinary progression of expansive diversifications in adapting to an immense range of environments .
5 Theories can not be conclusively falsified because the observation statements that form the basis for the falsification may themselves prove to be false in the light of later developments .
6 Supporters , however , were keen on its value and C. Silvester Horne wrote that its creation showed that no one could now argue that Nonconformist ‘ unity can not be permanently reared because of an inadequate basis of agreement in matters of faith ’ .
7 Labour argues that it will not be significantly affected because most of those who evade the register would have been among the large proportion — between 20.1 per cent and 31.2 per cent in their top 10 target constituencies — who did not vote in 1987 .
8 Philips also point out that the omission of FMFFV in initial CD-I shipments will not be much noticed because no CD-I discs are currently planned incorporating it and none are likely to appear for up to two years after the launch .
9 Even if we had a method which did not use extrapolation it would not be much use because no one would believe the result .
10 Polluters are going unpunished and factories not being properly inspected because of a serious shortage of staff at Her Majesty 's Pollution Inspectorate , according to a report from the National Audit Office ( NAO ) .
11 It is reported that the Seiko wordlist , for example , can always be easily identified because it accepts M-O-W-S-E as a correct spelling of the word ‘ mouse ’ !
12 I hope that the inquiry will underline the fact that , by and large , children do not lie about such matters and that the people who have now come forward as adults have probably been permanently damaged because no one would pay any attention to what they said .
13 This is the more important part of the capital/income confusion in public sector organizations : agreement on the irrelevance of income as a performance measure can often be readily obtained because service provision may have nothing to do with the profit motive ; on the other hand , all organizations have capital of some sort .
14 Perhaps she thought of turning on the car lights , but decided not to ; it would waste time , and it would n't be much use because the car was angled away from the fire escape .
15 About 1884 he sold his share and turned his attention to devising an improved process for manufacturing aluminium , a metal whose unique properties could not then be adequately utilized because of its high cost .
16 Since then the tournament has inevitably become bloated — too many teams , too few really competitive matches — and has occasionally been cynically exploited because of a structure that can require teams to produce only strategic , drawn games rather than daring wins .
17 Others continued to argue , as they had done before , and as they do today , that the indigent could never be adequately housed because they did not know how to live with cleanliness and decency .
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