Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] to he " in BNC.

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1 If nothing in heaven or earth is ‘ beyond the power of Allah ’ — if Allah , in other words , is omnipotent — then this quality can only be attributed to Him and to no-one else .
2 Three of these , all very fine examples , have not been ascribed to him before .
3 The current exhibition at the Cini Foundation in Venice , ‘ From Pisanello to Tiepolo : Venetian drawings from the Fitzwilliam Museum ’ ( until 15 June ) is also dedicated to Pouncey 's memory , while two major exhibitions have already been dedicated to him , one in 1978 at the Louvre and another at the Fitzwilliam in 1985 .
4 The local authority to which he applied refused to provide the necessary grant , and the person was sadly compelled to turn down a place on a one-year post-graduate course which had already been offered to him .
5 took the first call , but I 've just been speaking to him , and you 'd better have the full picture . ’
6 However , if he 's left alone for a minute it feels like an hour to him , he can not remember what has just been said to him , therefore he will repeat himself endlessly , and he has no frame of references to enable him to take part in any kind of conversation .
7 Also the dyslexic child is not necessarily unintelligent because he ca n't write something which you 've just written on the blackboard or which has only just been shown to him in some other way ; the dyslexic person ca n't look up at a blackboard , hold the visual symbols in her mind and get them down on paper in a different position .
8 However , if after all the reasonable steps have been taken your father can not be traced , a court can order that the divorce petition need not be sent to him .
9 However , if after all the reasonable steps have been taken your father can not be traced , a court can order that the divorce petition need not be sent to him .
10 She lived in Half Moon Crescent ( he had checked the number and the street before he 'd started out on his trek , so that even if Slater had lost or forgotten her number , she would not be lost to him ) .
11 He believes that things are as they seem to Dr Serafin ; that he is putting up proposals which are as sound as his judgement and experience can make them , that he is withdrawing them in deference to Serafin 's objections , and that he will be forced to formulate alternative proposals which can not be known to him yet because they will take their rise from views Serafin has still not expressed .
12 Mr Thomson also felt undermined because ‘ untoward occurrences ’ , including allegations of staff threatening residents , were not being relayed to him for up to three weeks , even though he was legally responsible for reporting them to the county council .
13 The girls at work admired her for living with a man and not being married to him , but she could forgo that pleasure , she thought , for the baby 's sake .
14 What exactly was happening to him ?
15 When challenged to say what was on his mind , he replied that he had been wondering whether it would ever be given to him to make France great again , as it had been in the days of Charlemagne .
16 He vowed that no hint of scandal would ever be attached to him .
17 He was not certain of the exact meaning of the word , but he knew without doubt that it could not possibly be applied to him .
18 A copy of the report must also be sent to him at the same time that it is sent to the Secretary of State , and he then has twenty-one days in which to decide whether he will ask for a review board to examine the whole matter in public .
19 Had she really been sent to him by the spirit of True Valiance himself , to test his chivalry and honour ?
20 This solution , which he regarded as amongst the most valuable and characteristic of all his works ( Hume 1981 p 165 ) and which had originally been suggested to him by his brother as the plan for a large house to be occupied by workmen ( Stephen , 1900 p 201 ) , he published in pamphlets entitled Panopticon or the Inspection House and Panopticon Postscripts Parts 1 and 11 .
21 None of this could really be happening to him .
22 Correspondence should now be sent to him as usual .
23 It could even be suggested to him that he leave Vietnam and ‘ take up once more the philosophical studies to which he had devoted a great deal of his previous life ’ , and it might also be suggested that ‘ there would be pension adequate to support him in those studies ’ .
24 It is submitted on behalf of the father and the grandmother that , if an order were not made , C. would go to the grandmother and the care which would then be given to him would not be care which would cause suffering of harm and that , therefore , the second limb of the threshold condition is not made out .
25 In 1945 , after sharing with Chain and Florey the Nobel prize for physiology and medicine , Fleming , in a speech given in Lyon , paid generous tribute to the work of Duchesne , which by then was known to him .
26 Stanley was also an able stuccoist , but , as with his sculptural works , little can as yet be assigned to him with certainty until the 1740s .
27 But there was one loss that could never again be supplied to him : he had lost the sight of his damaged eye .
28 The mortal faculty of looking ahead was granted to him rarely , and then usually at dead of night .
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