Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They had eyes only for the journey downwards , now , and battle-fervour , love and pride had long since been sucked from them , leaving them soulless husks : in bronze , or leather , fur-cloaked or bright trousered .
2 Several so-called religious visions of the Middle Ages have since been attributed to it . ’
3 Hello there , oh not too bad y'know erm let's see , just done child sex abuse , or rather been talking about it
4 This indeed was a factor in hastening the decay of villeinage , because a man who was free would not wish to incur servile obligations if he took possession of land which had hitherto been burdened with them .
5 I saw the evil light in his eyes and knew that so far they had only been playing with me : their real intent was to kill .
6 ‘ But you 've only been talking to them for a little while ! ’ said Angalo .
7 It seemed that Belov had only been waiting for her to ask .
8 Before the Appellate Committee Mr. Newman however relied on certain additional points which had apparently been raised by him before the Divisional Court , but which the court did not in the circumstances find it necessary to consider in its judgment .
9 I felt betrayed ; I had never thought of all my friends noticing my weight , and that they had all been thinking of me as a fat person .
10 And it 's all been thrown at them so suddenly , has n't it ?
11 Even though I 'd eventually been allowed my inhaler and eye ointment in Holloway , it had all been taken off me again .
12 We 've all been waiting for you for hours . ’
13 looking after the littlest ones all day and and she 's obviously been speaking to them like that during
14 She 'd obviously been counting on me having one , because the chillim was poised at her lips , ready for her to pull in deeply when the surface leaves caught fire .
15 He had obviously been arguing with it — when Masklin walked up he glared at him and said , ‘ It wo n't do what I tell it ! ’
16 With another sigh , and feeling extremely awkward because she 'd obviously been foisted on them when they had n't wanted her to be foisted , she decided not to unpack , just take out the things she would need for the night .
17 He had merely been playing with her .
18 But when you do , you 'd better be prepared for him to come back and hit you on your arms , your chest , that big belly of yours and finally the chin .
19 In Eliot 's view , the circumstances have changed so greatly over thirty years since 1924 that what was rightly said of Milton in that year can not rightly be said of him in 1954 .
20 It is rather expensive — there are so many competing demands for the raw material — so you will naturally be sparing with it .
21 To admit to hunger would have been to admit to my disease , and so be robbed of it .
22 It could either provide that all married women should hold their property as their separate property — thus giving to all married women the right to dispose of their property and to make contracts binding it which formerly could only be given to them by a will or a settlement ; or it could adopt the more straightforward course of making the capacity of a married woman to own property , make contracts , and incur liability for torts the same as that of a man .
23 He thought that precisely because it was impossible for the human mind to construct an idea of God from its inherent mental resources , such an idea could only be given to it by revelation — in other words directly implanted by God Himself .
24 Can only be revivified by hers .
25 When two or more persons took as tenants in common , the share of each was treated as a separate item of property which could not only be transferred by him in his lifetime , but which would pass on his death to his representatives .
26 For reasons which can only be guessed at he decided to establish himself near Keswick in Cumberland and returned in the following year with Hans Loner , a relative by marriage , and twelve German workers , to set up works and to prospect more fully .
27 Book loans to registered students can only be made to them in person , or on written application , if they quote their registration number .
28 The thing was though , that that claim could only be made by her .
29 Field barns were built to serve land lying some distance from the farmstead , or which could only be reached from it by way of steep hills .
30 I 've told the teeniest weeniest white lie and said that I will only be staying with you for a week or so . "
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